Reach to recovery 2013

Jo.L. Member Posts: 89
edited March 2013 in Newly diagnosed
Yesterday we were involved in an education day
Where Dr Jenny Edge was holding a forum to devise an education program for South African nurses to help
Up skill them there is a web based learning that has been provided free of charge to all and they are looking to use the same platform again.

Resource poor SA has to be extremely smart about how they spend dollars. If this gets off the ground we will be looking for nurses to offer their skills and time to have in put to the course. Have a look at some of the other courses available to get an idea of the format. It will be specific to Africa but a lot of the information is relevant to developed countries as well. Very excited! Watch this space.

Professor Dave Woods an amazing retired obstetrician has a theory that if people offer their skills and time free, the courses can be available to,all. They have a policy of nurses paying 350 rand about $40 and it is reimbursed when they finish the course and pass. The info is free to all on the web as long as it is used in the form accessible.fascinating watch this space :)