Dribbler12 Member Posts: 19
edited January 2013 in Day to day


Just wondering if anyone could give me some advise on the best place to buy a wig in Sydney or online. I have naturally wavy/curly hair and finding it difficult to find anything that fits that description. Would like it to look as natural as it can, and also which type of wig is suitable for hair loss, there are lace fronts, full lace, etc. Chemo will be starting in the next few weeks so would like to go somewhere so they can see my natural hair and get an ok match.

Any advice you ladies can give me would be appreciated?





  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I'm no expert but I bought an expensive real hair wig,similar to my own colour and style.I hardly wore it cos it was summer and so hot and itchy.Being real hair means you have to wash it and then restyle it yourself.Acrylic wigs bounce back to their style but might not look as natural as real hair. A starting place might be to look at as they have cheaper wigs and loads of head gear to pick from.I got mine from a hairdresser at Windsor.She had wigs in a back room and she was very helpful.There is a services directory on this network you could have a look at(type in wigs).Don't worry if you don't get one in time as you can always take a photo with you which is what I did.Some women embrace being bald but I did not. I'm probably vain cos I found it distressing.Anyway,that was 2010 and I'm fine now with my usual hair .Best wishes - Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I'm no expert but I bought an expensive real hair wig,similar to my own colour and style.I hardly wore it cos it was summer and so hot and itchy.Being real hair means you have to wash it and then restyle it yourself.Acrylic wigs bounce back to their style but might not look as natural as real hair. A starting place might be to look at as they have cheaper wigs and loads of head gear to pick from.I got mine from a hairdresser at Windsor.She had wigs in a back room and she was very helpful.There is a services directory on this network you could have a look at(type in wigs).Don't worry if you don't get one in time as you can always take a photo with you which is what I did.Some women embrace being bald but I did not. I'm probably vain cos I found it distressing.Anyway,that was 2010 and I'm fine now with my usual hair .Best wishes - Tonya xx

  • Dribbler12
    Dribbler12 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Thank you for your advise, I have seen a really nice Acrylic wig, it is only $73 and looks alot like my normal hair on the site, but not sure if anyone has dealt with them and if they are ok.

    Would like to think I could embrace my bald head but at 50 not sure that I can.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply.




  • lutte
    lutte Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2015

    Hi Karen

    I bought my wig at Wig Affair in the Piccadilly Arcade. It was about $300, but it was amazing. I went in to try on wigs before I lost my hair and managed to get one that looked just like mine. It was synthetic which meant it was very easy to look after and it look just like real hair. I think from memory my health fund reimbursed me about $100. I wore it all the time as I am not a scarf person.




  • lutte
    lutte Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2015

    Hi Karen

    I bought my wig at Wig Affair in the Piccadilly Arcade. It was about $300, but it was amazing. I went in to try on wigs before I lost my hair and managed to get one that looked just like mine. It was synthetic which meant it was very easy to look after and it look just like real hair. I think from memory my health fund reimbursed me about $100. I wore it all the time as I am not a scarf person.




  • Annie13
    Annie13 Member Posts: 110
    edited March 2015

    Hi Karen

    I have now bought two wigs - one from The Individual Wig on Oxford St, the other from I have tried LOADS on at various places. THe best advise I can give is that you get what you pay for. A $70 wig will be nowhere near as good quality as a $300 wig. The brand names eg Jon Renau, Rene of Paris etc are outstanding quality, and look as close to real hair as you get.

    Like Loz said, definitely go to one or two of the shops and try a lot of wigs'll get a feel for the style, design, brand, colour that suits. Then you can either buy from them or buy online. The benefit of buying from the store is that they'll resize your wig for you (take some wefts out) if need be to make it fit your head, cut and style it if need be, and you can take it to them for servicing (wash and steam) - they won't do this for wigs if you buy online.

    Also if you have private health cover you may be eligible for a rebate - best to check with them.

    All the best with your wig shopping. :)

  • Dribbler12
    Dribbler12 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, you have been most helpful and I think I will pay a visit to Wig Affair tomorrow because another friend mentioned they were very good. I am not a scarf person either so I'm thinking the wig will be money well spent especially as I have that wedding and a 21st birthday coming up.

    Hope you are doing well Janice and thanks again,




  • Dribbler12
    Dribbler12 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Thank you for your advise, I am going to head into the city tomorrow and try a few wigs on. Definitely think that to get it right you need to try it on and I think the fact that they can customise for your head is also worth buying it instore.


    Have checked with my health fund and I can make a claim, they also advised that you had to purchase from somewhere that is approved by Breast Cancer Australia, so therefore online or Ebay would be out.


    Hope you are doing well - take care and thank again



  • magicmum
    magicmum Member Posts: 285
    edited March 2015

    I am in Tassie and we have a service offered by the health dept where you go for a wig - if you have private insurance they give a rebate, otherwise the govt picks up a lot of the tab so it's only about $70. My wig was about $230 retail I think. It is synthetic so it holds its style, washes easily, feels ok - although because I know it's a wig I always feel self conscious. :(   I wear mine for work cos hats look odd inside !!

    I defintiely endorse Headcovers as a place to scope out what you want as many of the brands are available here in wig shops. That way you can get an idea of what you would like, and a store might be able to order in for you if they don't have what you need.

    Good luck, you'll be fine.


  • Dribbler12
    Dribbler12 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Well with my curly hair, there was really nothing that looked too much like my hair so I went with a straighter look with a bit of a flick to it, which is how I look when I straighten my hair. Loz, were you able to get a curly wig? I did try on a curly wig at Wig Affair and all I had to do was add the red nose and would have been right.

    Magicmum thanks for the advise, I agree about feeling self conscious, your supposed to own it and wear it confidently, that will be something I will definitely have to work on cos so far I feel like a real dill.


    Karen x


  • Dribbler12
    Dribbler12 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Well with my curly hair, there was really nothing that looked too much like my hair so I went with a straighter look with a bit of a flick to it, which is how I look when I straighten my hair. Loz, were you able to get a curly wig? I did try on a curly wig at Wig Affair and all I had to do was add the red nose and would have been right.

    Magicmum thanks for the advise, I agree about feeling self conscious, your supposed to own it and wear it confidently, that will be something I will definitely have to work on cos so far I feel like a real dill.


    Karen x


  • Laurie777
    Laurie777 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Hi I ended up with a straighter wig, which was a nice change from the curls, as it takes me AGES to straighten my hair so I took it as an aoportunity to have sleek hair for a change! The curly wigs are Ok, i'ts really about what you feel comfortable with. All wigs usually get trimmed down by a hairdresser, so if you find a nice curly one, you may be able to get it thinned out. If you send me a link to one you are thinking of, I have a friend who is a hair/make up artist and she regularly works with wigs, so I can ask her to have a look at the pic and find out if it can be thinned.

    I remember the feeling before I started chemo that I had to get all that in place before I started - but don't beat yourself up to do that. I borrowed a friend's wig in the first instance, then found one of Ebay that I liked the look of ( you see heaps on there saying worn once etc) lots of people end up preferring scarves. There are also wig libaries where you could borrow one and keep looking till you find what you like


  • magicmum
    magicmum Member Posts: 285
    edited March 2015

    Good point Loz - about having a hairdresser trim it. We had a hairdresser do the LGFB workshop and I went to her with my wig so she could make it "me". I'm going back to her when I have enough hair grown so she can advise me on style a lot shorter than I am used to !!

    I was keen to go curly as I'd always been straight but it looked REALLY silly !


  • Laurie777
    Laurie777 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    I know a couple of salons that trim wigs down if you buy online

  • Oz Zar
    Oz Zar Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2015

    Gotta tell you I've done my homework, the best curly hair wigs are at a place in bondi junction call Headhunters. THere's this amazing woman, her name is Elizabeth King, she is not only a wig expert but she is a curl technician. She's the woman that actually invented the spiral curl so doesn't matter what type of curl you want, need or desire, she's a perm specialist. She also has  the biggest selection of natural curly wigs i've ever seen or likely to as i am now in remission. She had everything there, human curly wigs and sythetic curly wigs, so spoilt for choice. You'll be in hair heaven when you go there, you're in for a treat. You'll understand when you walk in there, it's not like anything you would expect , it's like a little slice of heaven in the middle of sydney, so i nicknamed it my hair heaven. Best of luck love and light zara