The start of my journey

gobbytart Member Posts: 28
edited December 2012 in Day to day

Well. This is a story I hadn't envisaged. (Like so many others)

Shell shocked is not even close to describing how I feel. Routine mammogram and then core biopsy.

Check the date, 4 days before Christmas and a Friday to boot. I find out on my Birthday. Well happy Birthday me.. I have to wait to see someone until the New Year. What a great way to welcome in the New year.

Do I tell my brother and his family? or wait until I have some answers (and many many more questions no doubt.)

Some friends told and some work colleagues. They can spread the good news.

The annoying thing is I was starting to get healthy. Lost 15 kilos over the year, developed muscles and a sensible eating plan. I don't diet, I crave food if I do. Then this. Boris. My uninvited visitor. He has come to stay for my Birthday, Christmas and the New Year, then he must go. I don't want him around.

I have just joined this site and read some of the blogs. What wonderful support you give. So I thought I'd share my story too as it progresses.

Limbo is a horrid state to be in but as there is nothing I can do about it for another 10 days I might as well enjoy myself. I have lost 2 days and don't want to lose any more.

I have found a small notebook. This is to be my Q & A book. It will travel the journey with me from questions I need to ask to any other thoughts and jottings. Love to all who read this



  • peggysue
    peggysue Member Posts: 44
    edited March 2015

    You will find lots of caring ladies and great information here.


    I am also recently diagnosed, and understand the waiting is terrible. For me, 4 weeks ago LB masectomy lymph removal. Recovering from surgery and awaiting the start of chemo. All you can do at this stage is to enjoy Xmas. I did not tell my family or anyone else until I knew the extent of this uninvited visitor. I then only told my 3 sons only 2 days before surgery. It does come as a bit of a shock...... take care and keep us informed of your progress. Linda. x

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    You poor darl,bc right on your birthday and Christmas.I was so sorry to hear your news but welcome to this network.You will get lots of support and info here.The unknown and the waiting are the worst bits and all you can do during those times is to keep REALLY.REALLY busy.So hopefully Christmas will be enough of a distraction for you. I've had breast cancer twice(in the same breast)- 1st time was in 2003 and then again in 2010. I am fine now and  enjoying life so there will be light at the end of that dark tunnel you have now entered.When I got my second diagnosis,I waited until I had details/plan to tell family and friends.Obviously my husband and 2 daughters knew straight up but I was able to tell my poor elderly mum that yes,I had bc but it was early again and this is what will happen.There is no right or wrong way to tell others so go with what your gut tells you. I know it's a crap way to start the new year but your pink sisters will be here for you.

                               sending hugs,Tonya xx

  • gobbytart
    gobbytart Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2015

    Thank you for those beautiful words.

    I only joined the web site today but reading some of the blogs made me feel as though I wanted to join and feel some of the love for myself.

    I am so glad you are  doing well. My parents are both dead but Mum's sister had BC 28 years ago, she'll be 80 in April, so she was first in the family. My brother I'll tell in the new year after I have my first appointment. He has 2 young kids so they don't need to know yet.

    Thanks again


  • gobbytart
    gobbytart Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2015

    Thanks michelle.

    I knew this was the right site for me.

    I will keep writing and posting. Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year to you and your family



  • gobbytart
    gobbytart Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2015

    Hi Peggy Sue

    Waiting sucks doesn't it! So far I think it is all in early stages. Lumpectomy and radiation is talked about. Hopefully that is it. 10 more days for my appointment then ?? when surgery....

    Will tell more later




  • Jo.L.
    Jo.L. Member Posts: 89
    edited March 2015
    Hi Mary I too was diagnosed at this time of year we were just saying today it will be 10 years on New Year's Day ! I found my lump but put off diagnosis till I got through Xmas as it is always here and I had the relatives staying! hope all goes well with treatment hugs jo x
  • Jo.L.
    Jo.L. Member Posts: 89
    edited March 2015
    Hi Mary I too was diagnosed at this time of year we were just saying today it will be 10 years on New Year's Day ! I found my lump but put off diagnosis till I got through Xmas as it is always here and I had the relatives staying! hope all goes well with treatment hugs jo x
  • gobbytart
    gobbytart Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Jo.

    I only came across this website yesterday but it has overwhelmed the amount of love emanating from the blogs.

    Reading other peoples' stories is truly an inspiration and has helped me from falling into that pit of despair.

    As you can see from the subject, I have named my unwanted visitor Basil. Not that Basil is a bad name, It just came to me that is what my cancer is called. It should make it easier to say goodbye to him next year.

    I didn't have much choice in when I got the diagnosis. A suspicious area was found on mammogram and a vaccuum core biopsy was organised for the next day. Report through the day after and although I was told I didn't get to speak to my GP until Friday. I am always of the mind to know what is happening. Basically I am nosey and want to know. I even wanted to watch my biopsy and was a bit put out I couldn't see. I don't think  the Doc has had anyone wanting to see the procedure before.

    The time between now and when I get to see a specialist is a time for reflection for me and will pass quick enough

    I have just spent Christmas lunch out with a friend and her extended family. A nice break. I am just waiting until my family wakes up (UK and US)

    Merry christmas to you and your family.

    Keep well




  • ShirlO
    ShirlO Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Hi there Mary ... welcome to the "Land of Blog" .... this is where you can come to chat, cry, be happy, be sad, throw an angry tantrum or (more importantly) make new friends. However you are feeling there will be those of us who have "been there-done that".

    I went to my GP in Dec 2009 with a suspicious lump. Had mammo, ultra sound, then a core biopsy - all the time thinking it was a calcified cyst. Everything was closed over Xmas/New Year so didn't get back to the doc till 13th Jan.

    My partner didn't come in with me, I told him it was nothing serious, just a cyst that would probably need to come out ... WRONG. "It" proved to be a cluster of malignant tumours which had to be removed. I opted for a total mastectomy and remova of al of the lymph glands, this decision was right for me, but not necessarily right for everyone. We are all different and have different attitudes. My reasons being that at 62 I had no intention of getting pregnant and breast feeding!!!

    So January 2010 has four anniversaries for me .... diagnosed on 13th - two days before my birthday and mastectomy and lymph removal on 28th - one day after my partner's birthday. So it was definately happy January to us!! The upshot of it all is that the cancer hadn't travelled into the glands so I avoided chemo and radiotherapy and am on Arimidex for a few more years.

    As I started to say ( before I got sidetracked and started yacking on ) waiting is the pits, your thoughts go wandering all over the place, you get the "what ifs and the why nots". I guess the main thing is to stay positive and surround yourself with positive people. I like the fact that you are "nosey and want to know", that's good. It's your body and you are entitled to ask questions. One thing though, when you go to appointments don't go on your own. A spare pair of ears is good to have because there will be so much info to absorb you'll miss a bit here and there.

    Take care of yourself ... I hope 2013 brings everything you could wish for

    Love Shirl x0x


  • ShirlO
    ShirlO Member Posts: 350
    edited March 2015

    Hi there Mary ... welcome to the "Land of Blog" .... this is where you can come to chat, cry, be happy, be sad, throw an angry tantrum or (more importantly) make new friends. However you are feeling there will be those of us who have "been there-done that".

    I went to my GP in Dec 2009 with a suspicious lump. Had mammo, ultra sound, then a core biopsy - all the time thinking it was a calcified cyst. Everything was closed over Xmas/New Year so didn't get back to the doc till 13th Jan.

    My partner didn't come in with me, I told him it was nothing serious, just a cyst that would probably need to come out ... WRONG. "It" proved to be a cluster of malignant tumours which had to be removed. I opted for a total mastectomy and remova of al of the lymph glands, this decision was right for me, but not necessarily right for everyone. We are all different and have different attitudes. My reasons being that at 62 I had no intention of getting pregnant and breast feeding!!!

    So January 2010 has four anniversaries for me .... diagnosed on 13th - two days before my birthday and mastectomy and lymph removal on 28th - one day after my partner's birthday. So it was definately happy January to us!! The upshot of it all is that the cancer hadn't travelled into the glands so I avoided chemo and radiotherapy and am on Arimidex for a few more years.

    As I started to say ( before I got sidetracked and started yacking on ) waiting is the pits, your thoughts go wandering all over the place, you get the "what ifs and the why nots". I guess the main thing is to stay positive and surround yourself with positive people. I like the fact that you are "nosey and want to know", that's good. It's your body and you are entitled to ask questions. One thing though, when you go to appointments don't go on your own. A spare pair of ears is good to have because there will be so much info to absorb you'll miss a bit here and there.

    Take care of yourself ... I hope 2013 brings everything you could wish for

    Love Shirl x0x


  • gobbytart
    gobbytart Member Posts: 28
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Shirl.

    I have arranged a friend to come with me for my first appointment. So far my GP and the Radiographer have both said lumpectomy and then probable Radiotherapy.

    After the initial shock (I more or less lost 2 days) I am back to being my usual positive, happy self.

    Ate too much yesterday and treated myself to some speakers and an amplifier in today's sale.

    Have told some of my family but will wait until after next Wednesday to tell the rest.

    Have a fantasic Birthday and keep up the celebrations of your life in January.

    I will post more next week

    Thanks again

