Young one's

Hi everyone,
I was diagnosed with BC May 2011 at the age of 41. I was working 5 days a week & I had to take 12 months off work to have 4 & 1/2 months of chemo & radiation & it was horrible to loose all my hair. Was hard to take everything in. I had a lump removed, didn't loose the whole breast.
It was so hard to deal with as you would all know. I am married & have 3 teenage boys. Our eldest boy just started year 11 & was nominated school captain at his High School. The principal knew of my diagnoses so he asked my son to ring me at home to tell me & it was one of my proudest moments. When he cam home from school i gave him the biggest hug & cried.
He has now just completed year 12 & OMG my husband & I couldn't be more proud of him.
We have our 2nd boy starting year 11 & youngest starting year 8 in 2013.
Im now on Tomoxifen, going ok. I have just gone back to work & am happy to be still here Good Luck to all of you out there fighting !!
Sorry I have taken so long to reply back to you. Sorry to hear about your mastectomy. I hope you have had great results since your op.I have just celebrated my 2nd year since being diagnose with BC on May 17th 2013. I celebrated with family & friends by going out for tea, so i will do the same every year. Our eldest boy finished year 12 last year & is now working to save for Uni next year, our other 2 boys are at school.I hope you & your family had a great christmas in 2012. Our's was quiet but nice.take carexo0