Well, we're 7 more sleeps til Xmas, and 1 year ago ( dec 1st) I wasn't expected to see it.
My journey for the past year has been one of pain, suffering, depression, anger, manic emotions, pride, guilt,anguish,hatred,love,desperation,foolishness,dumbness and the list can go on and on, Ive had all these things at various times. I never thought i could feel all that in one small space of mylife, nor did i expect to still be here.
I am scarred off the radiation, Im still experiencing the effects of the toxic poisens pumped through me, numbness, pains, aches, tired, sleep disturbances, lymphodeoma, depression, anxiety, forgetfullness, dry skin, sore eyes, and horrible grey curly hair!! And nails not growing properly. I still have Peripheral Neuropathy and expect to for months, maybe years. All my one year marker tests were clear and positive, so im now in REMISSION! yay!!
I still have days where i think, WTF was that all about???? did it happen??? Am I still in this dream??
No, I went through it all, It was a War! And I Won dammit!! I know, I have a few more years yet before i can say I beat cancer, but for now, I did. I have the scars to prove it ...and...
Merry Xmas to you all, may Santa bring you the gift of life, and love! Sadly,for my friend through this, it will be her last Xmas, she has lost her battle, but is ready to leave now. My heart is with her family, and it pains me to see her so thin and wasted on meds. I feel very guilty, but she tells me she gave me her energy to keep going. Bless you Sue!!! Love you more!!!
Wow Gayle, what a story. I am so very happy for you for winning your battle and incredibly sad that you have to see someone you are so close to lose hers. My heart goes out to you and her family and friends. love v