Territory unknown continued

MG Member Posts: 6
edited December 2012 in Day to day
I think I just had one of the best weekends ever with my son. I guess I found an upside to cancer! I have learned to let go. Learned that life doesn't have to be perfect. I decided to look at things slightly differently. I stopped being the fun police and actually created the fun! I had a toy fight with my 4yo in ikea! Not sure what else you should do when confronted with a stuffed toy broccoli and carrot?! God knows what I was doing in ikea on a Sunday but that's a different issue! I was introduced to Mr Joey, Toby's new found friend and resident house snail! We created a house and watched him for hours. I laughed as after having an argument with him about dressing himself, I found him with his jeans on his head, undies around his stomach and leg through his shirt arm, giggling his head off. Normally I am sure I wouldn't have laughed but instead of telling him to stop being silly, I joined in! We had such a lovely weekend. I have even decided to let go of decorating the Christmas tree.... Something stupid but something I have always loved doing to perfection. This year I have invited Toby's friends and parents to join us in decorating the tree. With most expats departing Hong Kong I realised the kids missed out on this, so I am letting go and hopefully with a glass of wine, refrain from re-placing the baubles of a group of 4 yo's and the odd parent/friend who gets involved! So there you go, there are many friends who are laughing as this is quite symbolic for me...hopefully a step forward to a few more laughs and a little less (self imposed) stress. More unknown territory x


  • anniep
    anniep Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015

    Hi MG, loved your post, you have a wonderful little 4yr old!  Fun and being silly with a few giggles is what we need, and I mean not so much to laugh at BC but see and feel the happy side of life. And isnt it scientifically proven that laughter gives you longevity!?  Since I was diagnosed with BC I have tried to let go and get rid of my little trivial frustrations and being kinder and less demaning to myself too. Life's too short to worry too much about the unknown, innit?

    all the best, Annie

  • anniep
    anniep Member Posts: 37
    edited March 2015

    Hi MG, loved your post, you have a wonderful little 4yr old!  Fun and being silly with a few giggles is what we need, and I mean not so much to laugh at BC but see and feel the happy side of life. And isnt it scientifically proven that laughter gives you longevity!?  Since I was diagnosed with BC I have tried to let go and get rid of my little trivial frustrations and being kinder and less demaning to myself too. Life's too short to worry too much about the unknown, innit?

    all the best, Annie

  • magicmum
    magicmum Member Posts: 285
    edited March 2015

    Do you know that story ? It's about what matters the most and letting go of the things that don't. SO many times you just need to ask yourself if something matters enough to bother about, and if it doesn't well just leave it be.

    Having fun with little ones is ALWAYS important, They will remember those things for the rest of their lives.

    Take care of yourself.
