Life Insurance for pre-existing conditions

tooyoung42 Member Posts: 15
edited November 2012 in Day to day

To anyone reading this,

I have been living with breast cancer for the last 4 years with possible secondaries found in my ovary early this year.  Had to have chemo again this year and am now recovering.

I wanted to let people know that I recently managed to get life insurance through Virgin Money, who now have a "Quick and Easy" option which does not ask any medical questions.  The catch is though that they will not cover a pre-existing medical condition for the first 5 years of the policy.  Up until now, I thought there was no way that someone with cancer could ever get life insurance ever.

I wanted to make people aware of this, especially given the statistics that say that ladies with advanced breast cancer are living longer with secondaries.   If this is the case, knowing you can get life insurance which will cover you after the first 5 years, this is something that gives me a little more "peace of mind" in terms of looking after my family.

Whilst I hope and pray that I still have a long time left, it is some what comforting to think that I might make it past these next 5 years and then be covered should I die.

I'm a 46 year old non-smoker (of course) and was able to get $430,000 worth of cover which costs me $25 per week.  It's probably a little expensive but probably worth it.  The policy also provides that should I die within the first 5 years from something related to my "pre-existing condition" that 50% of my premiums paid would be refunded to my family.

Just wondering about other people's thoughts on this?

Hugs to all!