Strength to Strength

Hi everyone. I have been slack this year but fresh from the conference I am inspired to activate my blog again.
That and Janelle told me that I had to !
How fantastic to catch up with everyone again. I networked my sox off.
I loved Proff John,he had great information in plain English for we lay people. Sounds like the next few years will see some very exciting developments in Breast Cancer treatments and Multi Discipline Teams for women.
This year was different in that we were in the next audiotorium (wheres the spell check Di?) from the medical conference and I (and others) had lots of opportunities to mix with Medicals and learnt lots more. However those nurses from Tassie are out of control..ha ha. Come to think of it so were the Tassie BCNA attendees.
If you EVER have the opportunity to attend a BCNA ANYTHING,do your self a favour and go.
Just to be with people who are like minded is worth it. Whilst we all have a different journey it is great to hear another woman say oh yeah that happened to me or yeah I felt the same.
To all of you youngies who attended,please note the leading trouble makers doing the conga at the gala dinner. That will be you in a few years,yes I know,sobering thought!
The Otis foundation-Andrew and Sandy were there and spoke to a thousand people I think.( A holiday sounds good) The Encore girls were there trying to convince us to move it,actually there was quite alot on excersize..yes ok I am walking again,but I miss my dumping ground in the garage that is my treadmill. Look Good Feel Better were there I chatted alot to them finding out about their plans for next year.
I am not saying that talking,networking, eating,drinking and shopping make you tired,oh and what about lunch breaks on the Harbour? But I was in Bed by 8 o'clock on Saturday night.
Talk to you all soon.
It was great to see you there, Kate, and EVEN BETTER to see you blogging!
Spelling is like dancing, as long as you do it with flair, no-one cares how good it is!