Ignite Your Spirit Healing Clinic for those with Cancer

Ignite Your Spirit Healing Clinic for those with Cancer
The journey one takes once given a diagnosis of cancer is monumental and affects every part of our being- not just our physical body. Modern medicine plays a large part of cancer treatment for most people. Are you looking for something that can help compliment this treatment? Perhaps something to nurture and empower your spirit, soothe and calm your mind and help understand and honour your emotions? Would you like to feel a sense of wholeness, happiness and health that is not dependant upon your physical diagnosis and condition?
Shanti Mission is very pleased to be able to offer such a complimentary therapy to the public through our weekly healing clinic specifically for those dealing with a diagnosis of cancer.
What does the healing clinic involve?
Those affected by cancer are offered 45 minute Ignite Your Spirit Therapy (IYS) sessions by DONATION. In person or by skype.
The clinic runs every Thursday beginning 20th Sept from 2pm at Cooranbong Harmony Centre, 213 Martinsville Rd, Cooranbong 2265
Bookings are essential. Please call (02) 49773300 or email info@shantimission.org
What is Ignite Your Spirit Therapy (IYS)?
Ignite Your Spirit therapy is a holistic energy healing modality that recognises the entire system of the person and includes in the analysis the physical body, energy body, the astral field or consciousness (thinking habits) of the person as well as the soul itself. There is often rapid transformation of health, outlook and wellbeing because of this multi-dimensional approach to healing. Ignite Your Spirit Therapy is a safe interactive, non-touch modality and can be used at any stage of cancer, including palliative care. There are no known side effects.
Whilst many who have had IYS therapy sessions have seen improvements in their physical condition, IYS is NOT a cancer treatment per se. It can be used as an adjunct to medical cancer treatment or on its own as a powerful way to create wellness of mind, emotions and spirit. It is however well documented throughout scientific literature, history and most people would agree that when our mind, emotions and spirit are healthy, our physical body often responds by creating better health and for some people this means improvement in cancer. At Shanti Mission we also recognise that healing takes place regardless of whether the physical health responds and we are honoured to help people create more inner peace and spiritual fulfilment for the highest quality of life.