Christmas warning

Lyn11 Member Posts: 272
edited September 2012 in Community news and events

It has been a while since I last blogged! I hope everyone is well and happy. I am so long may it continue!

This is really to notify you all that we are having our Christmas get together at the same place as last year... Eatons Hill Tavern...on the 19th December.

We will meet up at 11.30 am and eat at 12.00 ish. We also decided we would do a Secret Santa this year so your challenge will be to find something pink but it must be no more than $10.

I am going to DFO next Tuesday so there must be something there that is a little bit different that I can get as my gift. We had such a good time last year I am really looking forward to this years lunch. Last year I was a bit nervous that no one would show!!

We had a good turn out at today's coffee morning. I was so busy talking down my end of the table that I missed out on chatting to the other end. I will fix that up next meeting! It's what I do best...talking. 

keep well everyone,




  • brissie lyn
    brissie lyn Member Posts: 88
    edited March 2015
    Lovely to have Xmas organized! Thanks
    I can't come tonight for drinks as I am trying to get into the A team for dragon boating, masters games coming will go to training instead. See u next coffee morning though. I heard from Sarah and she is having a massage every day!
    Lyn x
  • Lyn11
    Lyn11 Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2015

    OK good luck with the boating!

    See you in 2 weeks
