Live life
Hi, my name is Justine and I too was diagnosed with Triple Negative BC in October 2010. I was 40 at the time and have been extremely blessed with a wonderful family and a strong group of friends who held me together through some really rough times. I had a right breast mastecomy and full removal of my glands which all proved to be negative thank god. Since then I underwent chemo, radiation and then got thrown back into my old life.
What a blessing. Life is wonderful. I feel wonderful. My hair is back faster than ever, same colour and all and since Im a red head that was important to me. Life can go back to some kinda normal if you want it to be. Smile...laugh..enjoy and most importantly stay posiive. My mum had breast cancer when she was 50 and when I was pregnant with my 18 year old daughter and is now heading for 70. My grandma lived till she was 86 and died of old age.
Live. laugh.. will be ok.
Im really happy to know that talking about myself a little has helped in some way. The follow up I have is a yearly mamogram and a trip to the Oncologist every six months. Nothing intrusive. In all honesty I can handle that.
I have in most ways enjoyed finding out about myself and I can honestly admit I love myself more now than I did before all this happened. We as women are amazing people. I am a better version of myself now if that makes any sense. I still enjoy my wine of an evening though. I dont think that will ever change hehehe
Have a great day...X
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Thank you Jussy,
for your wonderful uplifting story. If we could wake up and read one of those lovely stories every day we would be able to go through life with such a positive attitude which would be great. You are an inspiration to us all.
Thank you again, I needed that.
Mich xoxo
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Hi Justine
So good to read you are doing well, thanks for sharing your positive story, it has helped me feel more positive.
I was diagnosed in August and just about to start chemo after lump removed from right breast. It's lovely to be able to join a group of other TNBC women.0 -
Hi Justine
So good to read you are doing well, thanks for sharing your positive story, it has helped me feel more positive.
I was diagnosed in August and just about to start chemo after lump removed from right breast. It's lovely to be able to join a group of other TNBC women.0 -
Hi my name is Deb and I have just passed the 2 year milestone. I was diagnosed withTNBC in 2010 and had a mastectomy and reconstruction in March 2011. In April this year I ran the London Marathon with four other breast cancer survivors. Having breast cancer gave me the opportunity to re evaluate my life. This has been a blessing, I enjoy waking up everyday no matter what the weather is like, I see more in the world around me and get pleasure out of the smallest things, I don't sweat the small stuff anymore. I no longer worry about what people think of the way I look or the washing that I didn't get done today. I am involved in a program to help other cancer survivors to get back into exercise post treatment and get so much satisfaction from that. I have done some amazing things, met some wonderful people and enriched my relationships as a result of my journey. Don't think life will ever be like it was, I am determined to make it better. Love to you all
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Dear Deb
this is really inspiring to hear. I think BC does help one re evaluate life and make plans for today and not for the future. One year on from my experience I take inpiration from your account. I want to aspire to play more and balance my life better
Thank you so much for the inspiration
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Thank you for your note so insipring to know that there is life after cancer and it can continue to gro. I am an year out of surgery getting my hair back... I cannot wait for it to grow back to its old length and be able to pull it up when I feel like it
Thank you for sharing
Best wishes
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Thank you for your note so insipring to know that there is life after cancer and it can continue to gro. I am an year out of surgery getting my hair back... I cannot wait for it to grow back to its old length and be able to pull it up when I feel like it
Thank you for sharing
Best wishes