500 or more!! Here I come...

Hi to everyone out there who's attending the conference.
My name is Helen and I'm really looking forward to meeting everyone at the Conference. I want to meet as many of you as possible!
I love to meet people and I'm pretty good at chatting (aren't we all ladies?) so I decided to see if I could meet and speak with 500 or more people at this Conference....
I'm not doing this for any reason other than to use a skill I'm really, really good at (Talking!) in a fun and useful way.
So please help me out by coming up to me if you see me....you'll recognise me I promise....hehe!
So if some strange lady comes up to you and say's "Hi" don't be put off it's only me trying to achieve my goal!
Oh and I will be staying at the Oaks Goldridge Apartments....if anyone else is staying there do get in touch as we could walk to the conference together...By the way they have a great pool and spa there!
cheers to you all and look forward to chatting!!!