My first BCNA Conference

Kerry23 Member Posts: 27
edited August 2012 in Community news and events

Looking forward to attending and hearing all the discussion points and meeting fellow members of this special group.

One area that interests me is the providing of information and connection of support services for women in rural areas.

Many now have to travel to metro cities for their treatment, therefore meaning a distinctive lack of support when they return back home or inbetween their treatments.

Any advice from members would appreciated.



  • annie2
    annie2 Member Posts: 164
    edited March 2015
    Hi kerry goodluck attending the conferance. I lived in a rural are and had to travel 3 hrs to treatment and 3 hrs return.sometimes this would end up a 12 to 14 hr day.Especialy if the chemo room was busy or the medicine wasnt ready.
    The worst was radiation having to stay in the city for 6 weeks away from my family.I couldnt find any accomodation available for me.The only option was discounted motel room.I didnt choose this as i didnt want to be on my own through treatment and alone in a big city.
    I was lucky to find a place to stay with a friend of a friend.I think this issue realy needs to be addressed.
    I was lucky to have the district nurse call in once a week.But i found this wasnt enough support.My GP didnt keep himself informed about my progress.It was a battle to get in to see him.This became very frustrating so i tended to manage on my own between treatments.
    The breastcare nurse would also ring periodicaly.If it wasnt for my 10 year old son.Especialy doing my dressings after radiation.A sight im sure will stay with him for ever! I dont know how i would of coped. god bless him.
    Something needs to be done for rural patients.
    -more funding
    -linking oncologist with gp
    -accomodation made available
    -family support
    Just to name a few.I hope i have helped you a little.i hope your voice is heard.
    Cheers Annie x
  • Kerry23
    Kerry23 Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2015

    Hi Annie,

    I am with you totally on the long days... my hubby was my answer..driving while I slept.

    My mother lived in Melbourne and I was able to stay there when required.

    I was lucky in regards to radiation as our local hospital had it there & my Oncologist made arrangements for me to have it there.

    The biggest problem I see is the medical professionals working together to ensure the various areas of support are readily available.

    Thank you for your input - every suggestion is worthwhile


  • serenity11
    serenity11 Member Posts: 143
    edited March 2015

    I am in awe of the women I see who travel to Brisbane for chemo from all over the state.  I would like to know if there is a "home stay" program with BCNA?  I would be willing to have a pink chick or man (or should I call him a rooster :) ) and her support person stay with me during a visit to the city.  Not unlike when we were kids and travelled for school you would be billeted with a family.  As my children have left home I have spare room and am close to amenities, but I would gladly help with transport, support etc if it was needed.  Is this a viable option for some people?

  • Janelle_BCNA
    Janelle_BCNA Member Posts: 52
    edited March 2015

    Hi serentiy11, I wanted to let you know that BCNA doesn't have a 'home stay' program however we have some registered support groups who have set themselves up to be able to support women who travel in from regional and rural areas. One such group is Livin' Laughin' and Lovin' It in Townsville:

    If you wanted to find out if there is a service like that in Brisbane I would suggest contacting the Cancer Council who might have such a service. Also contacting hospitals might be an option as they will know of women who are coming in for treatment. It might be worth contacting the group in Townsville to find out how they went about setting up their support service.

    Hope that helps, Janelle (BCNA Community Programs Coordinator)

  • Kerry23
    Kerry23 Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2015

    Hi Serenity,

    Being from melbourne I wouldnt know if that type of support system was available and I see Janelle has responded.

    I think you are marvellous to offer your home/car/service in such a way and wish you the best in finding  the appropraite channel to do so.



  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I think this is a great idea.I am in Sydney and will soon have a spare room that I am happy to give. I've often thought about our rural pink sisters and if we could billet them-is that the word?Well,we can just put our brains together and have a think about how to implement it.

                                                         Tonya xx

  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited March 2015

    What an amazing idea can come out of this maybe we need to get a bcna list of people in each state who would be willing to offer a room  a bit like when you have a exchange student , I presume you would need to be checked out my god that sound weird. Come on girls maybe those going to the conference can get the ball rolling with some ideas or maybe bcna needs to do some sort of survey like they do            love to all adean

  • Kerry23
    Kerry23 Member Posts: 27
    edited March 2015

    Ok Ladies - I guess the challenge is on for us to come up with a way to implement this wonderful idea & see if we can get it off the ground.

    Thankyou all for responding to my original blog..... something wonderful is coming from it.


    Hugzzzzz   Kerry