New diagnosis

Bunny ears
Bunny ears Member Posts: 2
edited October 2016 in Newly diagnosed
I have just been diagnoses with breast cancer. It is still like a dream, where I am in it but not taking part. This is my own worst nightmare, as I am a trained oncology nurse myself.
I found a lump in my armpit a while ago. I had a very bad tooth infection when the limp showed, so everyone was thinking that was related. Well the tooth was fixed, but the lump decided to stay. Ultrasounds x2 were negative, so fine needle biopsy was done which showed the malignancy. Then the final diagnosis came with the CT scan. So now I had all other tests like core biopsy, more ultrasounds, mammogram the whole lot and am now awaiting a meeting with the oncologist.
The plan is to have neoadjuvant chemo to shrink it and then surgery at some point later.
It is really hard to grasp at this stage and it's looming over my head like a rain cloud. I have hours of being fairly "normal" and than it hits you again like a steam train. But need to stay strong now, as there is sooooo much I still want to do.


  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited March 2015

    Dont know whether to  say welcome, but maybe join our gang but so glad that you have blogged this is great site for us all, I have found the site invaluable and very theraputic to chat with others who are going through the same thing, just remember to allow yourself to be flat I spent a whole week in the pjs and watching dvds actually  letting my normal organised warrior woman go away. You will get through this as we all will its amazing how we gather the strength when we have to. You know when we are nurses it can some times be good and bad I was a pain I questioned everything even told them when I had a UTI queried my patholgy reports as there was a discrepancy yes I was a pain, but I thought I dont care this is my life Im fighting for I still cry ocasionaly and feel sorry for myself and others but I think you need to go low so you can begin to go high again . Wishing you well happy to chat any time  . Adean

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I'm so sorry you have breast cancer but you've come to the right place.You are probably still in abit of shock.Cancer doesn't discriminate does it.I'm a nurse too and I've been on this bc ride twice.(2003 and 2010). It's overwhelming when you think about all the treatments ahead of you.It's probably best to just think about your immediate one.We try to put on a brave face for loved ones to spare them pain but sooner or later we break down ,usually when we least expect it.You don't have to stay strong all the time -be a sook whenever you get an attack of the miseries.Blog back here for support and friendship or to vent cos it really helps.

                                             Tonya xx

  • Bunny ears
    Bunny ears Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2015
    Hi there, thanks for your kind words. Sure will talk some more.