Forum Discussion

marlsea's avatar
15 years ago

Support --

Hi all from NZ -- Have a sister up in Glenwood who had a breast removed 2 weeks ago in Nambour Hosp --- She is trapping backwards and forwards to the hosp on train  to attend appointments some back to back. Her resources are very limited so is not taking painkillers eating ETC. She seems to think after Chemo which starts in 2weeks She  thinks she can wait around Nambour for train back to Gympie. This is a woman who is going into denial and hates asking accepting help. Centrelink has said no help aviable until Chemo starts. Is there anyone out there who can go see her talk to her with some support answers plse. Im in New Zealand so no help.

  • Hi there Marisea - I feel for your sister being so isolated (in a heavily populated area) and  for you too being so far away and not being able to support her.

    With the help of our great BCNA girls I'm trying to find cancer support groups in the Gympie/Nambour area.

    Let her know that by contacting these groups she is not losing her independance but is gaining a group of friends who will help her on her journey.  They will make sure she has access to all of the information she is looking for and will provide the support she obviously needs.

    It sounds as if you could use some support too so please stay in the network - we are all good listeners so come across and chat whenever you feel the need.

    Take care, we will talk soon

    Cheers .... Shirl

  • Hi there Marisea - I feel for your sister being so isolated (in a heavily populated area) and  for you too being so far away and not being able to support her.

    With the help of our great BCNA girls I'm trying to find cancer support groups in the Gympie/Nambour area.

    Let her know that by contacting these groups she is not losing her independance but is gaining a group of friends who will help her on her journey.  They will make sure she has access to all of the information she is looking for and will provide the support she obviously needs.

    It sounds as if you could use some support too so please stay in the network - we are all good listeners so come across and chat whenever you feel the need.

    Take care, we will talk soon

    Cheers .... Shirl