My other blog

It's pretty raw but feelings I'm sure we all can relate to.
Big hugs and love to all xxx
Wow baby
Just read your blog and I thought I was having an emotional day!!!! I wrote in my journal tonight that I think I have felt every possible emotion to man today. BUT You beat me hands down kiddo and so you should you have been through the wringer frontwards, backwards and upside down you poor luv. You keep that spunk happening and do what you think is the right thing to do cause at the end of the day it is your body, no one elses. You are one tough cookie coming through to me loud and clear at the moment.
I wouldn't have thought another lot of anaesthetic is a good thing so close to previous ones. It definitely sounds like they want things happening quickly for you.
Thinking of you and hope you doing okay.
Mich xoxox
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Your blog made me laugh and made me cry - your journey speaks to us all. You have a gift with words, and your love and courage is outstanding. So is your sense of humour. If attitude counts as much as my oncologist says, you have this rotten thing licked!
All the best with your port tomorrow - and with chemo on Thursday (same day as me - will think of you). Your family sounds amazing - we are so lucky to have the support of people who love us - better than any drug.
You will be a great ambassador for the pink ladies! Stay your strong and wonderful self!
Love and hugs always,
Michelle xxx
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Your blog made me laugh and made me cry - your journey speaks to us all. You have a gift with words, and your love and courage is outstanding. So is your sense of humour. If attitude counts as much as my oncologist says, you have this rotten thing licked!
All the best with your port tomorrow - and with chemo on Thursday (same day as me - will think of you). Your family sounds amazing - we are so lucky to have the support of people who love us - better than any drug.
You will be a great ambassador for the pink ladies! Stay your strong and wonderful self!
Love and hugs always,
Michelle xxx
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Hi Dan, I have just read all of your other blog, and it brought back many memories. You are very gifted with words, and this will be a journal that many others will read and gain strength from. I wish you well with this journey you have just embarked on. I am 18 months down the track, and the time has gone so quickly. As a cancer nurse, do you find yourself jumping to the wrong conclusions? I am a nurse too, but specialised in medical centre nursing. Sometimes a bit of knowledge, in my case, can be a dangerous thing. I remember when the surgeon came to tell me after my first surgery, that things were worse than first thought, and my lumpectomy would become a mastectomy with chemo, and that I had
a grade 3 tumour, much larger than they were
looking for. My addled nurses brain said stage 3,
not grade 3, (still not good), and I remember the
shear terror of my new situation. It was my
daughter who sat down with google and decided
that I was stage 2A with a grade 3 tumour. It is a
bit weird to be on the receiving end, and for you
being in the cancer field, I could imagine that it is
even more spooky. I wish you well with all your
treatments, and hope that the chemo is kind to
you. It was kind to me, so I was so lucky. I
completed full bilateral reconstruction a few
months ago with permanent silicone implants,
after also having a prophylactic mastectomy after
chemo was completed. Love Chris xx0