A Beautiful Mother's Day, but am feeling pretty shabby!

Sunday 13 May 2012
I have had a beautiful Mother's Day today!
Did the Mother's Day Classic 2012 Breast Cancer Research 4km Walk, with wonderful family and friends. The support I have recieved has been so unbeliveable and you all have no idea how much it has all meant to me!!! So overwhelmed and feel so loved! THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I made over $1000 in donations which all has gone to Breast Cancer Reserach, and so hopefully we have helped some people, like many people have helped me!!!
Sadly though, I think I did too much a little to soon?. Felt pretty ok most of morning, but started on a bit of a spiral in the arvo and wish it was gone by now! But hey what can you do?! Just get through it, and seeing my baby girl and recieving the most beautiful Mother's Day present and card, certainly helped. I am a truely lucky Mummy who has an amazing caring daughter and a wonderful, caring, loving Nick, who always has my back and who helped Zoe create a beautiful present for me and who also shared a beautiful message on Facebook for me!
So as mentioned above, am feeling not too great tonight and I think a doc appointment, might be in order tomorrow. It was a little scary when I got home as I felt bad and when you start chemo, you get this form guide on the rules etc. I felt bad, but didn't know if it was chemo/hospital warrented, as, well I don't know. This is my first time! Needless to say though, I fell asleep, pretty quick and woke up feeling a little better. Well, I did wake to my beauty saying "Happy Mothers Day". Yay!
Tomorrow as mentioned, is gonna be a doctor appointment and a relax me thinks. Might need to call in a favor, to a lady, who might possibly give me leg/foot massage, aye K.K?????? LOL!
Was in bed from 7.30-10.30pm tonight and now its 11.30pm so I gonna say Bye Bye for now!
Tomorrow is another day and Tomorrow, I WILL BE FEELING BETTER!!!
Thanks again to everyone! You all help me, get through this!!!