Not feeling very Flash!!

Saturday 12 May 2012
Op and Chemo done! Was a super long day, with me being up at 4am and sleep at 830pm and then I have been up this morning since 4am again!
Op went well. Port is in which will make chemo and blood tests easy! Bloody hurts though. Scars everywhere on my chest! LOL.
Chemo went well. Didn't feel a thing going in, but did start feeling a little shabby at the end.
The shabby feeling has gotten worse and to be totally honest I feel really crappy!
Haven't slept nice at all. Up every hour on the hour! And now 5am and I'm blogging. Hoping it distracts me!
Am truly hoping that the reason I feel this crap is just because I had the op with op drugs and then chemo with chemo drugs. So a mixed bag of drugs. Anyhow, that's my reasoning and I'm sticking to it! LOL
Anyhow, not my best Blog, but def a distraction for me!
Thanks everyone!