One year today..

Al Member Posts: 325
edited May 2012 in Health and wellbeing

Just an update and to send everyone my best wishes. It is 12 months today since I was diagnosed. In some ways I have changed and in some ways I'm still the same. Small things still get to me but I'm beginning to get out and live and realise what I have and what is important to me. I'm gaining more confidence everyday. During my quieter moments I do still reflect on the past year and how I managed to get through. A lot of the people/friends that supported me during this time I hardly hear from which is disappointing. I'm sure they see me as "over" this and am well again therefore they don't need to be in contact as much. Disappointing but true. We are all busy I know. My true friends has stuck by me and again my work colleagues have been my strength as these are the people I see everyday.

 I am scared it will return. This thought is never far from my thoughts. The nagging doubt is always there. I'm still having herceptin treatment every 3 weeks until October and of course am still on Tamoxifen. I still find going to the hospital every 3 weeks comforting as I see the nurses regular so that contact is maintained.

I hope everyone is travelling ok and that you are trying to get through as best you can. Thinking of you all often. If there is anyone in Perth( particularly the northern suburbs) who would like to meet one day or form a support group please send me a message. This is probably the only disappointing thing I have found is the lack of face to face support in Perth.

Your pink sister,

Alison xxxx


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Congrats on the 1 year mark.I've just had my 2year anniversary so we must have been diagnosed around the same time but a year apart. I think it's only natural to be worried that cancer might return- still pretty raw at the 1 year mark.With my first bout of cancer in 2003,I remember be confident at the 2 year mark.I felt it was a "one off"and I was surely cured.I still got abit anxious at mammogram time but forgot about it inbetween.Getting it back 7 years later has changed that confidence.Also a mastectomy is more of a constant reminder than a lumpectomy.I guess we just have to somehow live with this bc threat .There is comfort knowing that others feel the same. Having ALL the treatments as well as  Hercepton has made it a long journey for you Alison. You have showed amazing strength.

                         love Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Congrats on the 1 year mark.I've just had my 2year anniversary so we must have been diagnosed around the same time but a year apart. I think it's only natural to be worried that cancer might return- still pretty raw at the 1 year mark.With my first bout of cancer in 2003,I remember be confident at the 2 year mark.I felt it was a "one off"and I was surely cured.I still got abit anxious at mammogram time but forgot about it inbetween.Getting it back 7 years later has changed that confidence.Also a mastectomy is more of a constant reminder than a lumpectomy.I guess we just have to somehow live with this bc threat .There is comfort knowing that others feel the same. Having ALL the treatments as well as  Hercepton has made it a long journey for you Alison. You have showed amazing strength.

                         love Tonya xx

  • pennyb
    pennyb Member Posts: 176
    edited March 2015
    We done, you have done an amazing job. I so know how you feel about being scared it will come back. I started my tamoxifen last week, so far pretty good apart from headaches.
    I wish we lived closer I know we would be great friends.
    Do you have Facebook?
  • Al
    Al Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2015

    I  used to Facebook and maybe I should go back to it. I found I didn't want to share my info during last year and also found alot of people put such useless info on. I think you have given my reason to go back to it.

    My Facebook name is Alison Bampton.  Love to be your friend and I know we will meet one day. This BC journey has certainly been a blessing for me in many respect - meeting fabulous people such as yourself for one!!

    Take care and I'm glad you are tolerating Tamoxifen. I am too. The hot flushes has really diminished. Weight gain is my worst side effect.

    Love Alison xx