No one told me this bit was so bad
I have finished chemo, 3 weeks ago. A lot of chemo, 16 doses in all. I was so fine through it all, just got on with it. The AC was really unpleasant, for about two weeks after each treatment I was really sick. Taxol not as bad, but now I am left with no recognisable tastebuds registering different tastes, fluid retention in my whole body, even my inner ear, a light headed feeling and fluffy baby like non event regrowth grey hair that is falling out anyway. I hate my boobs, my right one is in slippage mode moving across to the right armpit. They hurt, tight as buggery being inflated to maximum volume, 400cc. I am crying more than ever and feel flat most of the time, SO NOT ME. I dont recognise me at all. Intellectually I know this will all get better, but these are the worst days of all.