New to this group
Hi Ladies,
I am new to the Triple Negative Group. I wish I had found it 18 months ago when I was first diagnosed as I didn't really know anyone who had been diagnosed with TNBC. I found one lovely lady who became my email buddy during my treatment and that was great as we could compare how we felt and how we were doing. Anyway I am now finished with my treatment and life for me is pretty much back to normal. At last!!!
For a lot of the ladies I have just read about in your blogs you are just starting out and yes it is a scary road ahead. I found I had so much support from doctors, nursing staff, family, friends and also the Cancer Council. They are all there to help you. This made my 6 months of treatment just fly by. I know in the beginning it seems so daunting however you will get through it and come out the other side.
I still get paranoid each time I visit the doctor for a follow up, so far so good. I think we just have to get on with it and not dwell on the what if's, I plan on enjoying my life and move forward.
I wish you all the best with your treatments, you will get through it and life will return to normal.
Anabel xx
You sound so relaxed. Thank you for your blog. I know a couple of ladies who have Triple Negative BC. I am sure your blog will give a lot of hope and strength to others in a similar situation. XLeonie
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I feel relaxed most of the time except before each check up! I think it is normal to become a little anxious as that thought that it might come back will always be with me.
Anabel0 -
Hi Anabel,
It is so good to hear from someone who has been there! I will be starting treatment next week with 18 weekly chemos (Taxol and Carboplaten), then radiotherapy and a hysterectomy to do as much as possible. (I have already had bilateral surgery 2 weeks ago.)
Were you on similar chemo? There aren't many facts on TNBC and I am finding it a lonely road information-wise. My breastcare team is wonderful - cannot speak highly enough of them all - and we are going to an information session next Tuesday - so will definitely get some answers then.
Yesterday I had my portacath put in at the hospital, today blood tests for a starting point, and a lot of body/bone scans during the week.
Your message of 6 months of treatment has given me a goal time - if all this can be behind me in 6 months time it will be wonderful!
The women on this site are amazing - the positive and optimistic attitude is inspiring. It was great to read your post.
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Hi Anabel,
It is so good to hear from someone who has been there! I will be starting treatment next week with 18 weekly chemos (Taxol and Carboplaten), then radiotherapy and a hysterectomy to do as much as possible. (I have already had bilateral surgery 2 weeks ago.)
Were you on similar chemo? There aren't many facts on TNBC and I am finding it a lonely road information-wise. My breastcare team is wonderful - cannot speak highly enough of them all - and we are going to an information session next Tuesday - so will definitely get some answers then.
Yesterday I had my portacath put in at the hospital, today blood tests for a starting point, and a lot of body/bone scans during the week.
Your message of 6 months of treatment has given me a goal time - if all this can be behind me in 6 months time it will be wonderful!
The women on this site are amazing - the positive and optimistic attitude is inspiring. It was great to read your post.
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Dear Michelle,
It appears treatments differ from person to person. I had 6 chemo treatments three weeks apart. I found them pretty heavy going however I feel I coped better with each one as I knew what to expect. I was on TAC...taxotere, Adriamycin and cyclophosphamide. Once that was over I had about three weeks then started 6 weeks of radiation. I found this phase a breeze compared to the chemo. I did take a full 6 months off work to look after me. I managed well when I went back to work, just very tired of an evening!! Now it's 11 months since going back to work and apart from some small side effects left from the chemo I do feel pretty good!
Sounds like you are doing all the right things for you. I hope your chemo treatments are kind to you. In 6 months you can have a holiday and look forward to the rest of our life. Xx