My new found confidence

Today I walked into a room full of strangers feeling extremely confident in myself and my abilities. That confidence came as a big surprise. It was my first day of a Diploma of Community Services, a course i have wanted to do for a long time.
At the beginning of the session we were asked to talk about ourselves, our jobs and our goals. I volunteered to go first and spoke about my job as a preschool teacher . I then very proudly said " I have breast cancer and i am currently undergoing chemotherapy." It was a huge thing for me to hear myself say that so easily... I really have come along way. The room went quiet. I then said " please don't feel uncomfortable talking to me about it, I'm happy to answer your questions."
My tutor led a quick discussion and I said my only concerns were my chemo brain and that taking my scarf off may make people uncomfortable.
Our unit of study was effective communication which was so relevant for me today.
I really believe that the challenging days we face during our journey make us so much stronger and resilient. I found having to really concentrate and take notes for the whole day both physically and emotionally draining but I left at the end of the day feeling fantastic.
I am so glad I decided to enrol in this course and educating fellow students on breast cancer was just a bonus.
Mel xxx
Thanks so much for your reply.
It is a wonderful feeling to have something to celebrate as we go through our bc journey.
I am finding it difficult to have all this time on my hands whilst I'm not working so decided to enrol in the course.
Hope you are travelling well. Let me know how you are going.
Take care
Mel xxxx0 -
I think I for one could take a leaf out of your book. I know what you mean though. I found a new confidence in myself as well. I'm a teacher and for so long I've been such a quiet person but now feel I can say and do so much more. This I attribute to my BC journey. I went through chemo last year and my work colleaagues were with me every step of the way. They became my "family" and the support was amazing. I felt so comfortable that I used to take my scarf off in the staffroom on very hot days.
Let us know how the course is going and well done you!
All the best with everything
Love Alison xxx
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Hi Mel
I am so happy to hear you've had such a wonderful experience. You offer so much support to others on here I'm glad it was your turn today.. Keep well