Poor Boobs

Some girls are looking into getting a boob job once everything settles. Can we get BCNA to coordinate a space where people can comment and share their experiences re reconstruction ( OR NOT).
Both my Mum and I were scared of the idea as it just seemed like more invasive surgery.
Would love to hear from others.
Annie Schramm posting from the wilds of the Far South Coast of NSW
i had a left mastectomy with immediate silicone implant reconstruction on the 3rd February this year, her ein Canberra (my mastecomy was nipple saving and they saved about 1/2-3/4 of the skin (they removed the tissue near my tumour (where the dimpling was), my surgery was not much worse than a simple mastectomy, in length etc and recovery is not normally any worse (I had complications from underlying genetic and neurological conditions that Ihave had since birth/ for 17 years, so my recovery was slower) but I am 100% happy that I had the reconstruction. I was not big busted to begin with only a B-C cup.
I am having the Right breast done in 6-12 months time when my chemotherapy is finished as a preventative measure as I am high risk for it coming back in my other breast (VERY strong family history, still waiting for genetic testing).
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Hi Annie,
What a great idea! I am happy to help you set up an online interest group for members to share their reconstruction experiences -- otherwise, you can do it by going to your 'My Groups' page, look for the 'create a group' link at the bottom of the page, and fill out the form.
I can send you more information via a personal message if you like?
Once the online interest group has been created you can then share it through the Online Group Announcements blog -- http://www.bcna.org.au/group/4256.
Cheers, Daina
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Dear Daina,
Sorry that I didnt follow up the idea I started of setting up a group to discuss Reconstructions.
Maybe someone else could be encouraged to do so.
My brain has ceased to function properly because I have a build up of fluid on brain, I am seeing the neuro surgeon on 9 Sept. Hopefully after that date Ill have some good news.
Annie Schramm
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Hi Annie,
Not long after our last conversation in June - Louise Turner set up a breast reconstruction group. You can find it here - http://www.bcna.org.au/group/61026
I am not sure if you would feel comforetable but maybe you could share your story within the group.