weighty issue

why is it that some of us woman put on weight during treatment? I am not embaressed about my balding head, no eyebrows and no eyelas look.... and I wear my scar with pride, but I hate the look of my body below the boob line. Will I ever get a handle on my weight and see it return to normal once treatment is over? I mean I am not a skinny woman but let me tell you 6kgs have jumped onto my body since I started Chemo and I am not happy!
Don't dispair - just go with the flow for now. I hated putting on weight . It is now 10 months since I finished chemo. Only in the last 2 months have I been able to lose some weight. I just had to wait until I felt REALLY well enough to do something about it. The only way that I have been able to lose the weight (4 kg so far) is through being ultra busy - moving house and gardening. It is really difficult but when you feel really well you will get physical and active. No more "couch potato" for me, I am up and about - I even forget to have breakfast/lunch some days. I am loving being mobile and busy again. Give yourself time and you will too. XLeonie
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Hello Sam,
thank you for your reply. I am home alone tonight (hubby out, son out working and daughter does notlive at home) and feeling pretty blue. so your message has brighten me up a little. I have only lately started to feel teary and sorry for myself...something I promsied I would not do but at the moment I can't be stuffed and am letting it hang out...and the one thing that really makes me sorry for myself is my weight gain. I think it is because not many people talk about it. I feel ugly and somewhat disappointed in myself...but your last line of "give yourself time, your deserve it " actually made sense. I need to remind myself that my body is trying to cope with Chemo let alone anything else. I get scared though Sam because all I read and hear is "don't get too fat cos that will put you at risk of the cancer coming back". I mean - give me a break.....don;t we have enough to deal with? Sorry....I don't mean to sound so angry. I am about to have my last chemo treatment and start radiation and all of a sudden I am angry again. Why - I have no idea....well...I think it all comes back to the weight gain. Did yu gain much weight? How did you lose it? when did you start to lose it? Sue :i
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Hello Leonie,
thank you for your reply. I am home alone tonight (hubby out, son out working and daughter does notlive at home) and feeling pretty blue. so your message has brighten me up a little. I have only lately started to feel teary and sorry for myself...something I promsied I would not do but at the moment I can't be stuffed and am letting it hang out...and the one thing that really makes me sorry for myself is my weight gain. I think it is because not many people talk about it. I feel ugly and somewhat disappointed in myself...but your last line of "give yourself time, your deserve it " actually made sense. I need to remind myself that my body is trying to cope with Chemo let alone anything else. I get scared though because all I read and hear is "don't get too fat cos that will put you at risk of the cancer coming back". I mean - give me a break.....don;t we have enough to deal with? Sorry....I don't mean to sound so angry. I am about to have my last chemo treatment and start radiation and all of a sudden I am angry again. Why - I have no idea....well...I think it all comes back to the weight gain. Did yu gain much weight? How did you lose it? when did you start to lose it? Sue :i
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All in all I gained about 10 kilos which is a lot for me. Everyone says 'Gee you look well - I hate the extra weight" Anyway I have lost about half of it. I weigh myself each day first thing in the morning (I know they say not to) to keep on track. I am just keeping very busy and watching what I eat - not too many carbs and very very little sugar. First up why not try and just eat smaller portions of whatever and then gradually when you see some weight change (even really small) then you may be able to change a few things in your diet. Remember it took me over 8 months after chemo to feel well enough to attempt anything active. XLeonie
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Hi Sue,
I have gained about 25kgs over the past 2 1/2 years. My 1st chemo treatment started feb 2010-aug 2010, then herceptin only for about 9 months, then whole brain radiotherapy, 6 months of oral chemo, now on infused chemo again...all the drugs have weight gain as a side effect (not so much with herceptin) so i am sooooo trying to eat well as exercise eluded me from June 2011 till early Jan 2012 - SOOO fatigued from the oral chemo drugs..i am only just getting back into a bit of walking/exercise and i missed it so much..while the weather has been nice i have been out in the garden a lot catching up there (i count that as exercise too)..I find it is also difficult to eat well when friends/neighbours bring lovely cakes/muffins etc over for us :S
i will be chatting with my counsellor 2moro and this is a big issue for me as I am a Personal Trainer by profession and this is soooooo frustrating to not have control (very little anyway) over my weight/shape
Good luck