Negative impact of radiation on Flap (autologous) reconstruction??

aimsagi Member Posts: 3
edited January 8 in General discussion
Hi all, will have mastectomy in a couple of months time, am considering to have an immediate breast reconstruction (IBC) using my own tissues/ flap (autologous). Unfortunately, I will have a series of radiation after the IBC.   I am worried the radiotherapy will kill/destroy/ causing complications on the flaps.  I did some research at my end.  However the comments were conflicting.  Therefore would appreciate your advice. advice is too silly.  Thanks heaps!


  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,283
    edited January 9
    Hi @aimsagi
    I had a mastectomy and due to the size of my tumour my specialist team  recommended I would need radiotherapy.
    My plastic surgeon advised that having the reconstruction ( I had DIEP flap using my tummy fat) before the radiotherapy would damage the result so I had a skin sparing mastectomy with insertion of a tissue expander and then the reconstruction surgery 8 months after the radiotherapy was completed ( my plastic surgeon said I needed to wait at least 6 months).
    This meant 2 surgeries and I found the tissue expander quite uncomfortable but the result I was very happy with - I ended up getting a mastectomy on the other breast when I had the reconstruction so I had both sides reconstructed and had symmetry.
    My story and photos along with many others are in the private group on here “ Choosing breast reconstruction” .
  • aimsagi
    aimsagi Member Posts: 3
    Hi @Julez1958,
    Thanks and really appreciate your response.  I go to public hospital.  My plastic surgeon told me they don't do tissue expander anymore, it is either IBC or delayed (as in flat closure after mastectomy and then re-open during reconstruction).  The aesthetic results of the "delayed" obviously is less pleasing than the IBC (looks like patched work).  I wonder if this is the public hospital policy or in general all plastic surgeons don't do expander anymore?
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,283
    edited January 14
    Hi @aimsagi,
    As my surgeries were in 2020 and 2021 I’m not sure what current policies are or even if it differs by state.
    If you ask to join the private group on here “ Choosing Breast Reconstruction” you might find more  answers.
    You could also ring the BCNA helpline as I recall seeing a while ago something on here on advocacy for women with breast cancer to receive options in reconstruction whether that be public or private.
    I am happy with the results of my delayed reconstruction but I did have a plastic surgeon who is very experienced in such operations.

  • aimsagi
    aimsagi Member Posts: 3
    Hi @Julez1958,
    Thanks! Did you get regular saline injections while the expander was in your body?  I've just seen the plastic surgeon today and suggested to place an implant (instead of expander) right away then switch to flaps after radiations.
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,283
    Hi @aimsagi
    I didn’t need the saline injections as I went down from an E cup to a C cup but understood most would need  at  least one such injection.