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Prep Teacher going back to work question

RobynL Member Posts: 1
Hello,  I was diagnosed in January of this year. Stopped teaching in March and had 2 surgeries (breast conservation) 
I am just about to finish my Chemo (16 rounds). Next is Radiation which I have my initial appt on Monday next week. I'm taking the rest of this year off as thankfully I had sick leave and spread out my Long Service to cover me til almost the end of the year. Now applying for Job Seeker (medical/sickness support). I should be covered by this until the end of the year. 
My question is for Primary/Early childhood teachers. When did you feel well enough to go back to work? I am quite fatigued and can't imagine teaching 20 - 30 Prep children for a whole day. My school is very supportive and will take me back when I'm ready but I wonder about my decision making capabilities due to fatigue. Any input much appreciated. 
Thank you 


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