Triple negative breast cancer

Cococat68 Member Posts: 1
I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer last year and had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation.
My cancer was PALB2 positive and I had a oophorectomy 6 weeks ago to reduce risk of ovarian cancer.
I was post menopausal before oophorectomy but am now experiencing significant menopausal symptoms.
Anyone else experienced this and what helps?


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Hi @Cococat68 ... so sorry to see you join our select little club ..... I hope we can help you with your queries.  Maybe a bit more info on your treatment .... how long on chemo & radiation? Are you on Letrozole or any of the other AI meds?   Are you on any other meds?  What is your age?

    We have a triple negative Private Group that you may like to join?

    I came from an arthritis background anyway & the AI meds just made it SO much worse.  I tried 2 different AIs, before settling on the 3rd as the 'best of the lot' for less side effects.  

    As I understand it, with your oophrectomy, you've basically gone 'cold turkey' on even naturally occurring hormones in your body (tho your body fat 'can' still create some) ... so that may well be contributing to your menopausal symptoms.  :(   Can you ask your Breast Care nurse about it?  or your Onc?

    Feel free to jump onto this thread that explains a bit about the forum & some 'off topic' discussions that help pass the time .... including art & craft, our pets, gardens & anything else that we enjoy doing at home .... as well as some funny threads too (as we all need a laugh now & then!)  Also some tick sheets for self assessing your physical & mental recovery xx

    Sorry I've not been able to answer your question directly ... take care xx