@nat_k20. The emotional roller coaster is real. Going from everything is okay to will I be okay. Crying is good. My partner had passed away before I was diagnosed so at the time I had lots of friends but no shoulder to cry on. I got referred to a councillor and we chatted and she gave me great coping strategies. Which I still use today
I didn’t get back to work straight away but since going back I wish I had done it sooner. I went back gradually then built up now Im on the reverse cutting back in preparation to fully retire by the time I turn 70
As long as your work isn’t over strenuous or over stressful it cant be bad. I would speak to your Drs just to be sure.
Maybe hubby needs some emotional help to cope with what’s happening to you he could be scared for you and the future and he probably doesn’t understand or know how to deal with it all. The Helpline would be able to point you in the right direction I’m sure they have dealt with similar in the past
Hope all gets sorted and you can get a new normal happening