Struggling today

Struggling with my emotions today wanting to go back to work I'm a casual worker.  I feel like the financial issue that will arise will take its toll . I go back to surgeon on Monday hopefully its good news 🙏 I just feel like I want to cry I've tried talking to my partner and he doesn't seem to understand. 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    I am so sorry  you are in distress, @nat_k20, particularly about finances :(  ...... Do you have a Breast Care Nurse?  You may be able to chat with them about it?  Shame your partner isn't too receptive - often people think 'you've had the surgery - everything is fine' .... but they have no idea of the ongoing emotional toll that this shitty disease takes out on you xx  You are not alone in this - we've pretty well all experienced some sort of distress/depression since the diagnosis .... 

    Please, give our helpline a call on 1800 500 258, even NOW - or definitely tomorrow xx ... They may be able to give you some advice & comfort  .... It can be a financial nightmare with not all our treatments & surgical costs being covered by Medicare and/or private Health Care.  I know I was out of pocket about $7,000 all up .... mainly because i chose to have my surgery done as private ... 

    Depending on what surgery you've had, your surgeon will give you an idea on when you can go back to work, depending on the type of work you do .... as anything involving lifting/moving weights probably wouldn't be recommended just yet.   

    The Cancer Council may also be able to offer some advice on financial issues ....
    Check out from Page 74 on this booklet they put out .... you can ring their Financial advice line ....

    take care, try & take one day at a time, one hour, if must be xx.  Try not to get ahead of yourself & worry about the 'what ifs' ..... cos they may just never happen xx
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,427
    Waiting is one of the hardest aspects of cancer treatment. On one hand, you feel everything is on hold. On the other, you are worried things are getting away from you. @arpie is right, try taking one day at a time. Things may be clearer next week. I went back to work one week after my mastectomy - my surgeon suggested two weeks off but I felt well, I was healing well and I knew that getting back to my work was a good thing for my state of being. He was fine with that. It wasn’t just financial pressure (I had plenty of leave available) but feeling normal again. But my job did not require a lot of lifting or carrying stuff and I had a very supportive boss. So hang in there till next week and remember your surgeon wants to see you recover - his/her advice is important. Best wishes. 
  • nat_k20
    nat_k20 Member Posts: 9
    @arpie thank you for your kind words I'm very grateful I have sent a message to my nurse she should call me back tomorrow.  I will definitely make the calls and your right I feel that's how my partner is thinking.  He has been fantastic up until now 
  • nat_k20
    nat_k20 Member Posts: 9
    @Afraser thank you for your kind words yes that's exactly how I feel sometimes I struggle with expressing my feelings.   
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,067
    Dear @nat_k20,

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 851
    edited September 26
    @nat_k20. The emotional roller coaster is real. Going from everything is okay to will I be okay. Crying is good. My partner had passed away before I was diagnosed so at the time I had lots of friends but no shoulder to cry on. I got referred to a councillor and we chatted and she gave me great coping strategies. Which I still use today
    I didn’t get back to work straight away but since going back I wish I had done it sooner. I went back gradually then built up now Im on the reverse cutting back in preparation to fully retire by the time I turn 70
    As long as your work isn’t over strenuous or over stressful it cant be bad. I would speak to your Drs just to be sure. 
    Maybe hubby needs some  emotional help to cope with what’s happening to you  he could be scared for you and the future and he probably doesn’t understand or know how to deal with it all. The Helpline would be able to point you in the right direction I’m sure they have dealt with similar in the past
    Hope all gets sorted and you can get a new normal happening