Early Breast Cancer

Agent14516 Member Posts: 4
Hi All, thank you for the feedback and best wishes you gave me in July. Sorry I’m not sure how I reply being new here. I was intending to have a mastectomy and changed my mind. Opted for lumpectomy. Margins were clear but close so I had more tissue taken then some extra under my arm to fill the space. I’m healed now and awaiting chemo with Herceptin. This will be every 3 weeks for 16 weeks and continue with the Herceptin for 12 months. Radiation will take place after chemo. Was diagnosed in June with early breast cancer. A 10mm tumor with dcis around with the Her 2 positive gene.


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Great that you've had your surgery & are going well, @Agent14516.

    Wishing you all the best with your ongoing treatment xx

    take care
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 146
    edited September 10
    Hi @Agent14516 thank you so much for sharing your update!! it’s great to hear your lumpectomy went reasonably smoothly🌸🌻🌼: hugs and big high five.
    If you have not had a ‘“port a cath” inserted it might be useful to discuss it with your medical team. The HER2 treatment duration as well as the number of intravenous “cycles” means it’s quite a good option. I found the port a cath helped preserve my veins. 
    Since your first post a new group for people who are HER2 positive, oestrogen positive and progesterone positive (aka “triple positive”) has been set up, so if you’re triple positive please consider joining that group too and do a little intro once you’re admitted. Only around 15-20% of breast cancers are HER2 positive so it is a small group! 
    I have received wonderful support on the wider discussion threads, but I’ve also found it helpful to be in some of the groups where my particular cancer type is discussed in more detail. 