Up coming surgery feeling worried

nat_k20 Member Posts: 9
My surgery is 7 days away feeling nervous and also scared I suffer anxiety so that's not helping much I'm trying to hold it together 


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    Hi @nat_k20
    What Surgery are you having?  Lumpectomy or Mastectomy?
    As hard as it is for you at present the Surgery will be here before you know it.  Further pathology will be taken during Surgery which will give a clearer picture of size and type of Breast Cancer.  These results will then enable your further treatment plan, if needed, to be set.
    Best wishes 
    Take care
  • nat_k20
    nat_k20 Member Posts: 9
    Thank you I'm having a lumpectomy I have had some bad experiences with hospital before I feel that's why I'm so anxious 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    It is totally normal to feel scared and anxious before going into any surgery @nat_k20 ... but try not to let it RULE the next 7 days xx 

    I was an emotional mess when my brother & hubby left me at the hospital (I had a lumpectomy too)  .... but I woke up after the surgery feeling SO relieved that the beast was 'gone' ....  and everything just got easier after that.  Once your surgeon gets the pathology report back and sees you again to check your wound (make sure you get a copy of the report) .. then, you'll have a better idea of the planned treatment.

    Try & keep as busy as you can in the mean time, doing things you love doing - or maybe even cook up some meals & freeze them (so you have less to do when you do get home ... )  Will you be staying in overnight?  Some do, some don't!  Check out the link I put in your first post, re what to take with you to the hospital - a top that opens from the front is important .... I also found an oblong shaped cushion to be a real saviour to support my arm, as my arm didn't like lying flat on the bed ... Your Breast Care Nurse may be able to access one for you.  When you leave hospital, just be aware that any bumps in the road my hurt .... I hugged that cushion to 'cushion it' .... as that includes going into any driveway or Petrol Station ... let alone potholes in the road - my town is FULL of them!! I got very good at dodging them after the first day!

    take care - and give our Helpline a bell on 1800 500 258 if you'd like to talk to someone about your anxiety xx
  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 154
    I can understand the feeling of anxiety and n being nervous. Just to share with you, I had lumpectomy and the surgery was the easiest part of my whole journey. I had chemo and rads after surgery.

    It’s probably difficult, but try not to think too much and instead think about how  the surgery is going to remove the tumor and half your battle is won😊

    all the best!
  • nat_k20
    nat_k20 Member Posts: 9
    Thank you for sharing your story ❤️  I've kept busy today cooking meals and organising things . 
  • Melchamb
    Melchamb Member Posts: 3
    I can understand your anxiety - I had my double mastectomy in December last year and remember that fear of the unknown. What I can reflect on is that the only way to combat the fear of the unknown is to recognise what you can control and not control. I am going through counselling right now and what I am learning about is that your circle of control is your feelings, thoughts, the present and your actions - nothing else. The future and past is not in your circle of control unfortunately. When you worry - your brain has likely made room for things outside of your control (in the future and past). Because your brain has made room for this worry, the best way to combat this is to fill that space is to replace the space your brain has created with something different in the present. For example, fill it with going for a walk and in the present notice how the leaves move or how the sun feels. Or if you are a tea drinker, put the kettle on and listen to the water bubbling in the jug and consciously make your tea and sit outside with it. It is a scary time, but just breathe and stay in your circle of control. Best of luck!