Newly Diagnosed - scared of unknown

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,095
Moderator moved @silvie063 post from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed' section:
Hi my beautiful ladies. I never thought in a million years that I would be a member of this group. Yet here I am. I was diagnosed on Monday with breast cancer. 4cm. I had my bone scan, and chest, abdomen, and pelvic scans today. I am at a loss, I have no idea what to expect. To say I'm scared of the unknown is an understatement. I send my love and blessing to you all, and I am grateful to be sharing this journey with you all. We are all in this together, and together we will rise above it. Much love. Silvana


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    SO sorry to see you join our exclusive little group, @silvie063 ... the one none of us ever thought we'd be joining 'by choice' ...   Ask away ANY question/query that you may have as you wait for your scan results xx. We've all been in that 'rabbit in the headlights' mode so know exactly how it feels xx.  It is totally normal to swing between anger, sadness, fear & hope .... and we'll do our best to give you honest replies, as we've 'been there, done that'.

    Please keep AWAY from Dr Google - often the info there is outdated & not relevant to your own diagnosis .. so for info - only check in with your medical team, Breast Care Nurse - or us .....

    Make sure you take a trusted friend with you to your meetings & consider recording them as it is very difficult to remember everything that has been said on the day.  

    Jump onto this thread for a lot of info on the site here - plus some 'tick sheets' where you can 'self monitor' your mental and physical health as you go thru the next 6 months in particular - where it almost feels like you are on a conveyor belt - go here, go there, do this, do that.

    What part of Aussie do you live in?  We have city members, also regional, rural and even remote - so a wealth of knowledge for you to draw on. xx.  (You can add your 'general area' to your profile.)

    Re telling family & friends - I initially told my 'nearest & dearest', then slowly let other people know as I felt I was up to it.  I also updated everyone via email every week or so, as it was easier than repeating everything many times (which can be upsetting.)  Let them know that you'll do it like this (or some people set up a private group on Facebook or which ever method you choose xx)  .... 

    Take care - accept any help that your buddies may suggest - they will WANT to make things easier for you  xx

    All the best for your results & ongoing meetings 
  • silvie063
    silvie063 Member Posts: 2
    Thank you so much Arpie for your beautiful words, they certainly helped relieve the burden we are all carrying. I fill blessed to be of an amazing group of people as I begin to navigate this new journey I am on. Much Love 
  • silvie063
    silvie063 Member Posts: 2
    I am from Melbourne, Victoria, in the suburb of Officer. 
  • melzzs
    melzzs Member Posts: 48
    Hi  I am in Nar Nar Goon north
  • LJS
    LJS Member Posts: 23
    Hi Silvana,
    Welcome to the 'club'. You are in good hands. The early days of 'new diagnosis terror', tests, doctor's appointments and waiting...(so much waiting) is a nightmare, but you will get through it. I had a lumpectomy a month ago and 4 weeks of radiotherapy treatment starts in a week. I felt like my world had tipped on its axis since my diagnosis after a routine mammogram in July. I recovered well from surgery and have been encouraged and supported by this group as I faced each new challenge. Worry and anxiety is very normal but you will eventually will feel more hopeful of being your old self again. Be kind to yourself and gather your loved ones around you. Trust your care team and take one day at a time.
  • Tinks
    Tinks Member Posts: 237
    I’m so glad you have found your way to our network. So soon you will be making many decisions. Try to be as prepared as possible with your questions, write them down and also ask your doctor to write down all technical terms that they may use. There is such a lot of jargon. Take somebody with you to your appointments it is amazing how much more can be remembered if there are two of you! Good luck with this challenging time. Xx
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,549

    Welcome lovelies. 

    Totally stinks to be here but welcome to the forum.  This whole thing is a mind blow and a series of endless waiting. Waiting for scans, waiting for results, and chasing up appointments.  Don’t Dr Google (we know you will) it’ll mess with your head.

     This is the place to let everything out with no judgment and the depth of knowledge and compassion on the forum is something you just can't get anywhere else. Nobody else can understand where you're at like someone that's been there.

    There are times to wallow in the gloom and then there are times you just need to get flat out busy and distract that voice in your head that just won't shut up.

    Once your results come back your team gives you a plan of attack.  I found once I had “the treatment plan” I felt a bit more in control.

    Everyone deals with this stuff differently.  Some take family and friends to all their appointments.  Personally, I found going on my own was better as I didn’t have to manage anyone else's emotions.

     I told Family and close friends first but I’ve never had any reservations about talking openly to anyone.  Get the elephant out of the room, right?

     Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you don’t like something or don’t understand the jargon speak up!  You will learn quickly that you are your own best advocate.  

    All the best.

    You got this.  Everyone’s here for you.
