National Press Club of Australia was on cancer & immunotherapy/chemotherapy & genome testing

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On the ABC TV On Wed June 26th was a discussion by an Oncologist talking about more recent chemotherapy 'specific tumour targeting' with the newer chemos/immunotherapy.
Given by an Oncologist who is Stage 4 Metastatic.
You should be able to watch it here below on ABC iView if you didn't see it on TV
Given by an Oncologist who is Stage 4 Metastatic.
You should be able to watch it here below on ABC iView if you didn't see it on TV
Watching and will watch again1
I had to leave early to go to Uke ..... but will make sure I watch it from the beginning - I only found it by accident, after it had already been going for more than 20 mins ... !!
Here is the iView Link:
In the mean time, Here is some info on today's speaker ..... Prof. David Thomas - who will Address the National Press Club of Australia on "Cancer: the modern plague".
He is the Chief Science and Strategy Officer of Omico, Director, Centre for Molecular Oncology, University of New South Wales & Head, Genomic Cancer Medicine Laboratory, Garvan Institute of Medical Research
He says: Treatment delayed is treatment denied. It is time for bold, innovative action to change inequitable outcomes for rare cancers in this country, before more people die unnecessarily.So, what can be done? The answer is in genomics.