Bleeding Gums

GinGin Member Posts: 155
edited February 2024 in Newly diagnosed
Hello lovely ladies! It’s me again!🤭

I’ve tried searching for bleeding gums but can’t find much information on it. I have switched to baby toothbrush but my gums are not liking it. it bleeds! I am using cold water (with ice) to stop the bleed after I gently brush my teeth. I also rinsed with warm salt water. I am using the MooGoo toothpaste which is very gentle as well. I also have biotene mouthwash. My oncologist says to see a dentist only after 3 months…any doesn’t have any solutions as it’s due to chemo….

so wondering if any of you ladies had this experience? And when will it get better🥵?

P.s. have just completed 15 rounds of chemo (4 dense dose of AC and 11 weekly taxols- had to skip taxol 12 due to neuropathy getting out of control). Any ladies going through chemo, happy for you to ask me any questions.



  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 243
    My gums aren't bleeding much, maybe once or twice, but I have been using the a salt and bicarb mouth wash after meals. I do have a soft toothbrush, but I'm very gentle with it during the day and mostly use after dinner. I use my electric toothbrush in the morning and night, and biotene mouth wash at night. I am getting oral thrush, and I have Nilstat for that, which tends to appear when I finish the steroids. 🤷‍♀️
  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 155
    I had oral thrush twice when I was on chemo too. Nilstat did resolve the thrush within a week.

    My gums were bleeding very rarely during chemo. But a week after I finished chemo, it escalated and now bleeding every time I brushed..😬🙈

    have you completed chemo, @Katie46?
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 243
    No @GinGin, I've just finished 4 rounds of AC and on to 12 rounds of paclitaxel next. 
  • mother
    mother Member Posts: 1 New Member
    go see a good periodontitis, that will solve your bleeding gums.  hope it gets better for you soon!
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    @GinGin Have the onco check your platelets are not low. Flossing will help long term even though it sounds counter productive. Rinsing with apple cider vinegar may also help. I rinsed with aloe vera (from supermarket health section) twice a day and had no issues with my gums.
  • GinGin
    GinGin Member Posts: 155
    @Katie46,all the best with Paclitaxel. Remember to continue to be gentle when brushing your teeth. I wasn’t told a Paclitaxel could affect my gums but was told by my oncologist I might get nose bleeding which is very common (but nose bleeding didn’t happened at all to me)

    @Blossom1961, I will ask my oncologist (I am not due to see him till I finish radiation so will ask the oncologist nurse about it). I’ll also get the aloe Vera. At this stage, I am willing to try anything to stop the bleeding 🩸.
    @mother, thank you for your suggestion, will see one after 3 months as my oncologist has advised against seeing a dentist currently as the gums bleeding is chemo induced.

    @arpie, saw your message last night. I’ve purchased the piksters this morning. Thank you for checking out for me💝.

    cancer- the gift that keeps giving😅!

    have a lovely weekend ahead, everyone!
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Hope your bleeding stops soon. My oncologist said paclitaxel was hard on soft tissue - eyes, nose, mouth. I had no gum bleeding but lost my taste buds. No eye problems but an irritating bloody nose quite frequently. Watch out for tingling in the hands and feet - peripheral neuropathy may be mild and correct after treatment, but sometimes not. Worth considering ice on hands and feet or any other medically recommended protection. Best wishes.