Seeking psychologist in Sydney

Hello lovely ladies. I am almost a year into my cancer journey. I have had five months of chemo, and two rounds of surgery, and am facing long-term adjuvant treatment with side effects. I feel like I have been on a rollercoaster with a lot of emotional lows and very few highs and am honestly not coping and feel like crying all the time. I am seeking recommendations for a psychologist in Sydney. I live in the inner west and am close to public transport. Last year, I had ten sessions from a lovely counsellor through the Cancer Council but the sessions have run out. I am looking for a psychologist because I can get a mental health plan and Medicare rebate. I have tried seeing a free psychologist at my clinic but do not feel I am clicking with her personality. I am seeking someone warm, empathetic, and experienced in cancer. Thanks in advance. 


  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,311
    Hi I can’t help with a recommendation but have you listened to the Charlotte Tottman podcasts on this website “ What you don’t know until you do”?
    I found them very good.
  • Erko_Girl_68
    Erko_Girl_68 Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2024
    @Julez1958 hello there. Thanks for your reply and for the recommendation. What are the topics covered in the podcasts? I'm seeking a psychologist to help me deal with family and work as well. I was a bit vague in my original post. I've read all the handouts for family and friends on this website but they don't address my situation. 
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,311
    The podcasts cover the emotional / psychological impacts of a breast cancer diagnosis.
    Dr Charlotte Tottman is a clinical psychologist specialising in cancer related distress who herself was diagnosed with breast cancer . 
  • Erko_Girl_68
    Erko_Girl_68 Member Posts: 32
    @Julez1958 thanks for letting me know and I will have a listen. 
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,179
    Here is the first episode in Season 1 for you @Erko_Girl_68 

    You may also like to head to Australian Psychology Society website and utilise the 'Find a psychologist function' 

    It may be a good time to access emotional support via Cancer Council: NSW
  • Erko_Girl_68
    Erko_Girl_68 Member Posts: 32
    @Mez_BCNA thank you for your reply and for the thoughtful suggestions. 

    I've probably gone beyond initial diagnosis shock but will check out the other episodes.

    I will look at the APS website and see if I can find someone close to me.

    I have used the Cancer Council services but they have a limited number of sessions, which I understand. 
  • Kristen
    Kristen Member Posts: 151
    edited February 2024
    I am surprised CCouncil wasn't able to offer you some alternative suggestions. It is OK to swap  around until you find someone you click with. Ask your breast care nurse. They normally keep a list of local psycolgists in private practise who have oncology experience, for when people 'time out' of the public oncopyscology dept eligability . I know our nurses do , but i don't have a copy. Two i do know as they have come to present at support group within the last several years and they do tele consults and specialise in BC .     Sue Nash/outlook/ ex bc nurse, i think is a  psycolgt. But Lesley is a counceller- so prob not eligable for mental health plan subsidy , if thats how it works.Not sure - but  both really nice women who definately specialise in bc .

  • Erko_Girl_68
    Erko_Girl_68 Member Posts: 32
    @Kristen thanks for the suggestions, I will chase these up. Yes, I might see if my B/C nurse has any suggestions for local psychologists because my clinic offers limited sessions anyway.