2 years agoMember
Are you experiencing pain following treatment?
Register for the Persistent pain, addressing quality of life webcast on Wednesday 7 February, 7pm - 8.15pm AEDT.
Register now (and if you miss it, we will email you the recording)
This webcast will address types of persistent pain associated with early breast cancer treatments, strategies to manage pain and further resources and support that may be available to you.
We will be joined by three experts on the night, Professor Paul Glare, Pain Medicine Specialist, Dr Charlotte Tottman, Clinical Psychologist and Naveena Nekkalapudi, BCNA Consumer Representative. Naveena will be sharing her experiences of persistent body pain and why quality of life is paramount to her.
You will have the opportunity to put forward your questions when you register or during the event.
For more information about the webcast and speakers, and to register, please visit
Please feel free to pop any questions below in the comments or get in touch with the events team via
We look forward to seeing you there!