Any 50 year olds?

MrsMorrisey Member Posts: 86
I do actually have another thread going but was wondering if anyone else has been diagnosed at 50?
Im not “young” but I’m not post menopausal either. 
Wondering what treatments others have had. 


  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,469
    Hi @MrsMorrisey I was 56 and not post menopausal much to the Mcgraths nurse disbelief. I had chemo and surgery followed with one year targeted therapy. Your treatment very much depends on your cancer type rather than your age. 
  • Jabba
    Jabba Member Posts: 10
    hi. I am a 51 year old, post menopausal that has recently been diagnosed with TNBC.
  • ptp
    ptp Member Posts: 5
    Hi. I am 53 - not post menopausal either. I had surgery first, then chemo and radiation. Still having immunotherapy every 3 weeks (for 12 months) as I have HER 2+ BC. Plus now taking hormone suppressor (Tamoxifen). 
  • Aska
    Aska Member Posts: 77
    edited January 18
    Hi,  I was diagnosed at 49, 6 weeks before my 50th. I'm perimenopausal. Mine was Invasive lobular,  grade 2 stage 1, no chemo; had radiation and now tamoxifen. All the best
  • Shelley_H
    Shelley_H Member Posts: 11
    I'm 55 my journey started in July 2023 I'm post lumpectomy & lymph dissection currently just over half way through chemo, then 5 weeks of radiotherapy before I start some type of endocrine treatment. I'm in the middle of menopause & 6 months since my last period which was just before my diagnosis so I'm interested in what is suggested for the endocrine part. 
    It's amazing what out bodies can endure & I've found being positive helps which is definitely not easy at times but these discussions can help. 
    All the best 🩷
  • Suztheo
    Suztheo Member Posts: 4
    Hi, I’m 51 diagnosed before Christmas in the thrusts of peri menopause ,diagnosed with  triple negative early breast cancer after a breast screen.
    16 rounds chemo ,surgery radiation . 
    All the best 🩷🩷
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 194
    I'm 51 (diagnosed on first ever mammogram just before my birthday in October) IDC early stage with 1 lymph node involved, stage 2 (2cm) grade 3. Lumpectomy with clear margins and currently round 3 of 4 AC then on to 12 paclitaxel, and I assume some kind of hormone therapy. Blood tests said not menopausal yet. I did have a mirena which I had to have removed for treatment.
  • McApples
    McApples Member Posts: 1
    I am 53, was diagnosed on my birthday in December - stage 2 IDC.  I had a bilateral mastectomy the day after Boxing Day and am now coming up for air, only to be drowned by the hormone treatment. I am just starting to be interested in food again. :)
  • J-Nold
    J-Nold Member Posts: 19
    I was diagnosed a few weeks before 51st bday on 21 Dec.
     I was enjoying no perimenopausal symptoms till then but started on Tamoxifen for ER+ grade 2 IDC while we waited for Xmas break for surgery ( like you - I read your previous post). Hello hot flushes.
    My pre- cancer  plan was to get oestrogen the minute I went into menopause- not happening now! 
    Just had mastectomy/ expander surgery as my initial lumpectomy showed + margins of DCIS. Node negative though- yay!

  • Nickii2
    Nickii2 Member Posts: 5
    Hi - 51 and only just diagnosed with grade 2 ILC and very much peri. In fact I asked my surgeon whether having BC brought on the symptoms more as my night sweats and hot flushes are off the charts at the moment. Reading about Hormone Blockers and their side affects is not helping as I don’t think I can get any worse than what I am.
  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 194
    Hi @Nickii2, welcome to the group no one wants to be in. I'm getting night flushes with chemo, so feel like I'm practising for hormone therapy! I wasn't menopausal before chemo, but my gynaecologist thinks I've been pushed into it now. I've stopped worrying too much about the long list of side effects, everyone seems to be affected differently. My oncologist said I probably won't get a period after this, and I'm choosing to take it as a win if that happens 😆
  • Nickii2
    Nickii2 Member Posts: 5
    Thanks @Katie46 - after reading through a lot of conversations even though it most definitely isn’t a group I wanted to be in, it appears it’s full of thoughtful, caring and incredibly brave women, so I’ll take that !
    I suppose hot flushes isn’t the worst is it ! And yes, take that as a bonus. I’ve been so close to full menopause a couple of times now, but that sneaky period just arrives, be gone with it I reckon.

  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,573
    I was 39 at diagnosis, and definitely pre-menopause 🙂 Xx.