First treatment

riss81 Member Posts: 32
Had First chemo on wednesady. Today is Saturday  and i can hardly move when i do my head goes all funny keeping up wiith my nausia medication so i am eatting but please dont tell me i wont be able to move for the next 19 weeks . 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,198
    So sorry that your nausea is so bad @riss81- I wonder if you are also having some vertigo?  That makes your head spin when you try & stand up ..... it SHOULD settle - can you call your Breast Cancer Nurse?  They may have some suggestions .... Definitely ring your Onc and/or the Onc Nurses first thing on Monday morning xx. I hope you have good support at home .....

    You should notice a pattern after 2-3 doses ..... When my hubby had his chemo, he was OK for 2-3 days, then on the 4th day, he'd just put himself to bed for 2-3 days .... he'd eat when he felt like it & just slept a lot of the time. Then he'd bounce back. xx

    take care & wishing you well 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,517
    I had severe vertigo with mine but it was short lived. Your Dr can prescribe something for it. I would lie in bed and feel like I was on a boat. When I got up I bounced from one wall to the next. I knew what it was and laughed at myself but it does make you more nauseous so well done on eating. Take care
  • Mazbeth
    Mazbeth Member Posts: 199
    Hi @riss81, I would recommend letting your health care team know as soon as you can as they generally will be able to help you. I found that I was pretty knocked around for the first 3 days and then I came good. I was able to establish my routine - the bad days where I lay on the couch and then the good days where I would go out etc. Please make sure you keep taking the nausea medication as you do not want it to start because once it starts, it is hard to get control over it. My nurses told me not to give it any opportunity to get a grip and to take the medication if I had even the slightest feeling of nausea. Try to keep up your fluids - ginger ale, water with a squeeze of lemon. Suck on some fruit tingles - anything that you feel like eating, have it. Take care of yourself. 
  • riss81
    riss81 Member Posts: 32
    Thank you  all. I am feeling much better now. I started to come good again on Tuesday afternoon and am feeling better every day. it seems day 3,4 and 5 are my worst after treatment so now i have a plan in place for those days to help with the side effects. I feel as though i can enjoy Christmas again now.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,198
    Terrific, @riss81 - still take it a tad 'easy' over the next few days .... and I hope you CAN enjoy Xmas xx