Invasive Breast cancer of no special type

GorgyS Member Posts: 135
edited October 2023 in Newly diagnosed
Hello, I have been diagnosed with Invasive carcinoma of no special type a month ago. Getting prepared for lumpectomy next week. 64 years old. I am trying to get as much information about Invasive breast cancer as I can, but not much can be seen on the BCNA website. The nurse gave me the booklet from Cancer Council but she stated that there are no information about Invasive breast cancer. I am really trying to rely on one source information and avoid unnecessary and confusing browsing through google. Or maybe I can not locate the information on BCNA. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks 



  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,469
    edited October 2023
    Hi @GorgyS This was posted by @arpie. Hope it helps
    I typed Invasive Breast Cancer into the search icon and previous comments came up.
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 135
    edited October 2023
    Thank you. I will definitely go through the information although I would prefer something Australian on the BCNA website. I also found some American resources but wondering/worried why Australia does not have its own resources on this type of breast cancer. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710

    Here's a link that you should find helpful 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,469
    @GorgyS I just had a look and my BC was also Invasive of no special type. However, I was Her2+ve and ER/PR -ve so I just looked up info on those as that is what determined my treatment.
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 135
    thanks for sharing. I am trying to understand my report which is HER2 negative, ER positive, PR negative, Ki67: 10-15%
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 135
    @iserbrown. Thank you. 
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,469
    @GorgyS It is all so very confusing. Just ask any questions on here and someone smarter than me will be able to help. The people on this forum are amazing.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710

    The link above explains pathology report categories 

    Best wishes 
    Take care
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    edited October 2023
    Sorry to see you join our select little group, @GorgyS - hopefully we'll be able to smooth out some of the road-bumps for you xx.  It can seem like a bit of a train wreck to start off with .... 

    Feel free to check out this thread too, about the forum in general, what to take to hospital with you & even 'self assessment' tick sheets ....  make sure you take a trusted buddy with you to all your 'early' appointments, as an extra set of ears & support, as it is easy to miss stuff .... and consider recording the appointments too, so you can go over them later, in the peace & quiet of your own home xx

    Have you been assigned a Breast Care Nurse (either from your surgeon or McGrath?)  They may be able to answer the more medical questions ... I am guessing that after your surgery, your pathology may identify a more specific type of BC .... and only after the pathology is 'in' .... your surgeon will let you know what your 'game plan' is xx. 

    Having said that .... I've found a Melbourne based booklet on No Special Type (NST) Breast Cancer  that you may like to check out :

    And from the same mob - (that also mentions NST) - how to understand your pathology report ... the treatment appears to be the same as the 'known' types of BC - relative to the breast tissue pathology.

    Try not to get too ahead of yourself tho - and yes, googling stuff can be plain SCARY .... and a lot of info is either outdated (I only try to look at stuff from the last 5 years) and a lot of it is not even relevant to your own diagnosis either, so it can be very confusing .....  Trust in your medical team - they will be doing their utmost to get the best outcome for you xx

    Keep yourself as busy as you can leading up to your surgery - maybe cook some of your favourite meals & freeze them so you have 'what you like' after you come home.  If anyone offers to 'do stuff' for you - mow the lawn, do the gardening, walking the pets ..... say YES PLEASE!!  You may also be surprised (amongst family & friends) as to who steps up to the plate for you, & who lets you down a bit ....
    Some people just don't know WHAT to say - so they say NOTHING - which is quite hurtful.  :(  

    take care, throw up any questions that you have xx. All the best for next week 
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 135
    Thanks, Arpie, for your kind email with the information I need, especially at the beginning of my journey. I plan to contact a McGrath nurse in the coming days. I have been also browsing through the BCNA website a lot recently because I want to stay informed. What a wonderful online network connecting amazing, knowledgeable, and brave women like you (I just viewed your story on your profile). I hope to get to know more stories from these women who are eager to support each other." Will keep in touch through the network  :) 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Glad to be able to help @GorgyS xx. Message sent (click on the envelope next to your 'profile pic'! ;)