
skeetie Member Posts: 5
edited October 2023 in Newly diagnosed
i have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer  i am 48 yrs old. I have had part of my breasts removed and now going for full mastectomy im really unsure if inplants are good and would like to hear anybodys experiences with this or just going flat plz to mayby help me with what way to go about this thankyou for any advise   


  • Tarma
    Tarma Member Posts: 73
    Hey @skeetie

    Welcome to the group.. I'm sure the other ladies will have loads of info for you.. 

    I just wanted to say Hi😊
  • skeetie
    skeetie Member Posts: 5
    Hello there :) im hoping so 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Sorry to see you join our exclusive little group, @skeetie xx.    We have 2 private groups that you can join & ask any questions (and even see pics) of both reconstructions and going flat ..... Just go to the groups in the blue banner above - and click on both groups, & click the join button. xx. All questions/answers & pics are totally private.

    Feel free to check out this post too, for other info on the forum that may interest you xx

    Take care & all the best with your decision making xx
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Welcome @skeetie.  As @arpie said above you will find a heap of info and stories, including photos, in the private groups.
    It depends if your breasts are an important part of your identity as to whether reconstruction is the way to go.
    Some ladies don't like the idea of anything fake inside so that then brings another whole question into things - other surgeries are quite long and perhaps expensive.
    You have Australia as your location.  If you add the general location you may get some advice as to what is available in your area, not all surgeons do reconstructions.
    Lots to consider.  Do join the 2 groups.   All the best with your decisions, it has to be right for you.
  • skeetie
    skeetie Member Posts: 5
    thankyou lady's i have joined now waiting on confirmation 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710

    A very good resource to research 
  • Abbydog
    Abbydog Member Posts: 509
    A lot will depend on your future plan of treatment, beyond Mastectomy.
    Has your surgeon offered implant at the time of Mastectomy? Some Surgeons may offer this.
    Some surgeons are conservative, and want all Cancer treatments completed and recovered from before planning Reconstruction. Radiotherapy can be damaging to healthy tissues, and can damage Implants if already in. Or R/T can damage the tissues that will support an Implant.
    I have a friend who has had immediate implants, with no R/T.
    My BC was probably larger and faster growing. Mastectomy with Axillary Clearance,. Chemo and R/T
    I have had reconstruction, but I was advised to have delayed Recon.
    My Cancer treatment was most of 2020. I started Recon approx 18mths later, in 2022.
    As the others have said, look in the other sub groups.
    Ask us any questions. All the best.
  • HelenlovesSnoopy
    HelenlovesSnoopy Member Posts: 113
    Hello @skeetie - I opted to go flat because I wanted to streamline the process as much as possible and avoid any risks - but I’m not saying it’s a risky thing to do - just that was my preference. I do feel sad, but I’m wearing my free Berlei bra already and going to get fitted for breast forms soon. The surgeon did a very nice job, very neat and tidy!

    Please note - I was fairly small beforehand so while it’s still fairly drastic a change, perhaps that made it a little easier? 

    I hope it helps. Sending you lots of hugs 🤗 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @skeetie - I have sent you a private message - look at the top right of your screen where you normally log off.  The message envelope is to the left of your icon.
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,238
    Hi @skeetie
    I joined the private group on here “ Choosing Breast Reconstruction ” and found the stories and photos very helpful in coming to my decision.
    I had double mastectomy and DIEP flap reconstruction , it was a big operation and recovery but I am very happy with the results.
    i didn’t want implants as my plastic surgeon said they would probably have to be replaced in 10 to 15 years  and I couldn’t face that.
    Many ladies also choose to go flat - as I was always big breasted ( D cup went to E cup when I put on weight) I thought going flat  was a bridge too far , in the end I went down to  C cups and that was good.
    Good luck with whatever you decide.
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    Hi Skeetie,
    I just want to wish you luck and hope you get lots of info back from members.
    This forum has really helped me and I'm newly diagnosed too.
  • skeetie
    skeetie Member Posts: 5
    Hi @Julez1958 i have joined that group to and seen a lot of woman choosing to go flat as I'm big breasted to there's lots of pros and cons to both i don't want multi surgery's either so I'm still so confused on what to do and aint got much time to figger it out :( 
  • mell45
    mell45 Member Posts: 28
    Hi @skeetie , welcome. The previous posts have given you lots of places to read and see what others have done and how to make decisions. Just letting you know I am 4 months post Double mastectomy and DIEP flap. Huge surgery but I am happy I did it. I haven't had complications or issues but it's a big recovery. Good luck with your path.
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,238
    Hi @skeetie
    one of my best girlfriends said if I went flat after having such big breasts  I might topple over backwards!
    I was 62 and humming and ha ing  about what to do - my hubby was great he said he married me for my brain not my breasts and whatever I decided he’d just be happy to have me alive 🥰
    It is a very personal decision and as my breast cancer surgeon said no one can tell you what to do - that would be like telling you you can’t have lace on your wedding dress.
    Take care.