
Hendrix Member Posts: 324
I've just come from my appointment with GP, to get blood results. I've been feeling tired and put it down to getting COVID in March, it finally got me ☹️. But my main concern has been the tenderness in both armpits and at times feels very warm. This started before i got COVID. The blood test in June 2020  showed neutrophils at 3.1, December 2022 it was 1.9 and recent test August 2023 is 1.5. With the report stating mild neutropenia for test in December 2022 and this months test. 
My lymphocytes for the same periods as above 2.0, 2.5 and 2.1

I expressed my concern regarding low neutrophils count and asked its not cancer, he just said it was not an indication it was cancer but didn't elaborate or reassure me. I asked for an ultrasound, but he said no.

Which has me stressing now 😢

Should I be concerned? 

Thank you


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,269
    edited August 2023
    Try not to get too stressed Nellie ...... the 'normal' neutrophil count is anywhere between 1.5-8 ... so you are still within that 'normal range' - but obviously borderline.  Your lymphocytes are also in the normal range of 1-4.8 ... so no worries there, being about half way.

    Are you able to message your Breast Care Nurse or even your Onc, (your blood results should be sent to the Onc anyway for review!   How long ago was your surgery & treatment? ...)  With my bloods, if the GP hasn't added my Onc to get results ..... I DO!    ;) 

    Do you think you may have Long Covid?  There are so many side effects from it, they are still adding to the list, I think! 

    Did your GP address the soreness/tenderness under your arms?  If it was an infection of any sort, that should have shown up in the bloods ....  

    For peace of mind, you could ask your GP to get the recent bloods also tested for the BC 'cancer markers' to be done as well (they should be able to do it to your most recent bloods - it will just need a phone call from your GP.)

    If you don't think your current GP is being helpful ... is there someone else in the practice that you can 'try'? 

    Deep breaths, take care xx
  • Hendrix
    Hendrix Member Posts: 324
    Hi @arpie thank you...I've seen 2 GP's at the same centre, today was my doctor...nope he just had a feel and said lymph nodes not swollen...i asked for an ultrasound he said armpit tenderness has been before i got covid...i emailed the breast care nurse who is going to try and organise an ultrasound next week when I have my annual mammogram...fingers crossed its just nothing xx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,269
    Glad your BC Nurse is helping you get the US - and the MG will be a comfort too - so great they have coincided. 

    Take care & all the best xx

  • Hendrix
    Hendrix Member Posts: 324
    Thank you @arpie xx
    And how are you doing? 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,269
    Going well, thanks @Hendrix .... I'm having a bit of a break on the AIs just now .... recently passed the 5 year mark - my Onc said I could stop altogether if I wanted ..... but I like the thought of continuing for another year or 2 ....

  • Hendrix
    Hendrix Member Posts: 324
    @arpie do you notice a difference when you have a break from the AI's? I'm 5 years down 3 to go 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,269
    Anastrozole has been a lot kinder to me over the last 4.5 years, so not really noticing 'much' difference .... I just need to remember to take the darn things (and my other 2 tabs) when I DO go back onto them!  ;)