My daughters Facebook status

" Watching my mum fight cancer has shown me how strong she really is, all kids say that there mum is strong, but mine? Mine is the definition of strength, seeing her hurt, cry, in pain, ache, and what this treatment does to her not any woman could do it, but she is and I honestly have never been so proud of anyone or anything. experiencing this with her has changed my whole perspective on life. Live for the moment, don't sweat the small stuff, appreciate what you have and enjoy what's around you. I love you, only one more of these horrible chemos to go! ? "
As Sam says cherish the moments with her. My daughters were very attentive to me whilst I was on chemo as well. Both live away and have their own commitments. One rang every day and the other one (with little ones) was always ringing and offering her wisdom (she is a Clinical Psycologist). I am so glad that they were not with me to "see" the reality of it all. I know that they think I am wonderful - and of course sometimes they think I am a pain but we have a lovely connection. I now travel and see them often and whilst I am with them I am very aware of "making wonderful memories". XLeonie
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Hi Sam,
I couldn't help reading your comment and wholeheartedly agree. I also have a 15 year old daughter who as they are is very self centred but I know she probably would be feeling some of these feelings. I also don't expect her to voice them but I know she is a very caring, loving child in her own way. Yes they are very special and I treasure every moment with my 2 girls ( no boys so I can't comment on them!!)
Alison xx
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how nice is that, as we all know it's not just us going through the journey, but the whole family are affected, how nice to have the support from your daughter to show how much she cares and share it with everyone. Well Done Daughter XX
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how nice is that, as we all know it's not just us going through the journey, but the whole family are affected, how nice to have the support from your daughter to show how much she cares and share it with everyone. Well Done Daughter XX
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What a beautiful girl. She obviously loves and admires you very much Penny!!
Jo xx
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What a beautiful girl. She obviously loves and admires you very much Penny!!
Jo xx
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What a lovely status - made my day reading it. I have 2 girls but they are only 9 and 12, they have made me some beautiful get well cards which I will keep always.
Ann-Marie xx
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Penny that is wonderful. i don't have daughters (a step daughter who is a great support)
i have 3 son's from my first marriage and the eldest was always a mummies sook when i told him i had cancer he was shocked but said he felt i was a very strong person and would beat it. the youngest had the attitude that i was a tough ol girl and cancer wasnt gonna stop me. mmmmmm
the middle boy usually the quietest and distant one , broke down hugged me and said he would be with me through it all, (and he was) he cried with me , saw me at my worst and helped my husband his step dad to stay strong. when i finally finished my treatment 12 months after i told him he cried and said he was so scared he would loose me, almost did,
it is strange how they react but i know all my boys love me but handled this in their own ways. we are closer now.
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Penny that is wonderful. i don't have daughters (a step daughter who is a great support)
i have 3 son's from my first marriage and the eldest was always a mummies sook when i told him i had cancer he was shocked but said he felt i was a very strong person and would beat it. the youngest had the attitude that i was a tough ol girl and cancer wasnt gonna stop me. mmmmmm
the middle boy usually the quietest and distant one , broke down hugged me and said he would be with me through it all, (and he was) he cried with me , saw me at my worst and helped my husband his step dad to stay strong. when i finally finished my treatment 12 months after i told him he cried and said he was so scared he would loose me, almost did,
it is strange how they react but i know all my boys love me but handled this in their own ways. we are closer now.
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Hi all, just to let you know I deleted themost recent 'facebook status' comment, as it was one of several spam comments made by that user. Sorry for the nuisance, user has been blocked.
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I thought it was strange .
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Thanks Di
Xx0 -
I think everything about spammers is strange, but that might be just me!
(nice to 'see' you Fran! )
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This one was definitely my pleasure, Penny!