So annoyed

Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
edited January 2023 in Newly diagnosed
Had my lump and 2 lymph nodes removed mid year.
Had radiation and now on letrolzole done ok on both.
Chemo wasn't offered as must have it was a choice as hormone cancer been over treated.
Oncologist plus a team of oncologist suggested oncotype test which I paid for and result came back low score so chemo would NOT benefit and low recurrence. 
Had slight pain in boob the last month mainly in bed when I lie on my side so this week Had  mammogram and 2 ultrasounds both saying a cyst and changes in skin healing of wound from operation. 
Today at oncologist which she said as above but there is always a dam BUT.
Now wanting another ultrasound no idea why I need 3 and maybe a biopsy so how freaking out yet again.
Sorry for rambling on its getting to the point I don't believe anyone in medical as first off its dcis very unlikely cancer go back after op to find they removed a small cancer.


  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    What a ride @Pommy8. No wonder you are scared and annoyed. Anyone would be feeling that way. It is extraordinary all that chopping and changing. No wonder you don't know who to believe.

    What is the next step, ultrasound and biopsy? When?  If it was me I would insist to have certainty. I would also be asking that oncologist to review all your history or even get another opinion maybe. 

    What can you do to keep busy? What works best for you when you are stressed? Have you got some good people around to support you? 

    Sending a really big hug to you 💐
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    My radiation Onc is always very quick to double check funny bits on my US & MGs .... matter of fact, I had call-backs every year after my surgery (this last US/MG is the only one I didn't get a call back on!)

    Good that they are checking .... try not to get ahead of yourself, tho it is difficult, as our brains go off on a tangent :(   Take care, & all the best xx
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135
    Just I find 2 ultrasounds this week and a mammogram the 3 people doing those said could see nothing also they were read by their bosses all agreeing cyst and Harding repairing of inside from operations.
    New referral just asking for a regular ultrasound if anything found a biopsy..
    Why on earth would I need another ultrasound after all those this week.
  • Pommy8
    Pommy8 Member Posts: 135