Review New Book called 'Catching Breast Cancer' by James Lawson - eminent Breast Cancer Researcher

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I haven't read this book yet - but it could be an interesting read.
How AMAZING if they find that some breast cancers ARE an infectious disease or caused by bacteria (like ulcers - that was only discovered in the last 30+ years ....... )
From the Publisher:
“How is it possible to catch breast cancer?”
“How could breast cancer be an infectious disease?”
For over 20 years James Lawson and his local and international colleagues have searched for the causes of breast cancer. By 2021 they had found the answers.
From Australia, Italy, Austria and the US, a handful of medical scientists dared to think outside the accepted narrative. These outward-thinking individuals and small dedicated teams overcame the intense rivalry and competitiveness that so often stymies scientific progress. Over two decades, their collaborative work discovered that you can catch breast cancer and that it can be indeed an infectious disease. These groundbreaking findings have laid the groundwork for the most important step of all – preventing breast cancer.
Lawson's work takes you behind these discoveries to the personal stories of those that have made such immense contributions to science and human health. The dry world of scientific papers and journals comes to life as one delves into the stories of those bright and brave minds that have driven this progress. Some humorous, others sad or poignant, all are fascinating.
From Professor Generoso Bevilacqua of Pisa: “I have just completed reading your book. It was a fantastic experience! One can find everything in it. Science, history, personal memories and many humorous anecdotes.”
Catching Breast Cancer is an important and compelling detective story for our current generation.
Some more info on the author, if you'd like to read it:
Here is a Review on Catching Breast Cancer - you could ask your library to get it in for you.

How AMAZING if they find that some breast cancers ARE an infectious disease or caused by bacteria (like ulcers - that was only discovered in the last 30+ years ....... )
From the Publisher:
“How is it possible to catch breast cancer?”
“How could breast cancer be an infectious disease?”
For over 20 years James Lawson and his local and international colleagues have searched for the causes of breast cancer. By 2021 they had found the answers.
From Australia, Italy, Austria and the US, a handful of medical scientists dared to think outside the accepted narrative. These outward-thinking individuals and small dedicated teams overcame the intense rivalry and competitiveness that so often stymies scientific progress. Over two decades, their collaborative work discovered that you can catch breast cancer and that it can be indeed an infectious disease. These groundbreaking findings have laid the groundwork for the most important step of all – preventing breast cancer.
Lawson's work takes you behind these discoveries to the personal stories of those that have made such immense contributions to science and human health. The dry world of scientific papers and journals comes to life as one delves into the stories of those bright and brave minds that have driven this progress. Some humorous, others sad or poignant, all are fascinating.
From Professor Generoso Bevilacqua of Pisa: “I have just completed reading your book. It was a fantastic experience! One can find everything in it. Science, history, personal memories and many humorous anecdotes.”
Catching Breast Cancer is an important and compelling detective story for our current generation.
Some more info on the author, if you'd like to read it:
Here is a Review on Catching Breast Cancer - you could ask your library to get it in for you.

I now have a copy of the book to read from a friend - James Lawson is her Dad!
I started reading it last night - and I know it will be a very interesting, if controversial, read.
It really IS about researchers thinking 'outside the square' - trying to think of 'other reasons' why otherwise healthy, fit & happy women have their lives turned upside down with a Breast Cancer diagnosis & all it entails .....
Everyone now knows that Cervical Cancer is caused by a virus & there is now a vaccine to prevent it .... so a virus may well be causing BC as well! Only time & research will tell.
I've suggested to my friend that her Dad should also start looking into the cause of Mets as well - as we all know - it can hit any one of us at any time & they just do NOT know why!
I understand that ALL of our tissue samples (from our biopsies) are kept by the pathology labs for DECADES (they re-examined my husband's tissue after his Mets diagnosis early last year, 13 years after his initial surgery.) So with every NEW Mets diagnosis, they need to go back & re-examine those original slides to compare with the Mets slide to try & identify WHY it was triggered when it didn't 'show' in the original .... or maybe there was a hint it may change to Mets but just wasn't recognised as such at the time!?
A bovine leukaemia Virus have already been identified in cow milk and may well have been transferred to humans, as it has already been identified in some breast cancer tissue and also in human blood samples!Bovine leukaemia virus (BLV) infection is widespread in cattle globally and is present in marketed beef and dairy products. Human infection with BLV has been reported in breast and lung cancer tissues and was significantly associated with breast cancer in 3 case-control studies.2 Apr 2019Bovine leukaemia virus discovered in human blood
and another link below ... luckily it isn't found in Australian Cow milk/beef products at this point in time, as any animal identified with it, is euthanised. Not so in Europe, Uk or the USA tho, where it is endemic.
So, whilst the idea of viruses causing Breast Cancer may 'seem extreme' ..... ANY research is better than none!
Ask your library to get the book in, read it & put your thoughts on this thread!2 -
Interesting. So is his CV. Viruses can vary and mutate so much, as does cancer. A viral transmission may be encouraged by other factors too, I’ve frequently thought the ‘cause’ of cancer is complex as a simpler process might have been discovered by now. All research adds to a wealth of information - better knowledge about why will lead to better capacity to protect and cure. We need to
be encouraging collaborative international research more, on a number of fronts, including COVID.2 -
@Afraser He has an incredible CV and has been so innovative throughout his medical career.
I'd encourage everyone to read his CV (on Wiki) as well as read the book - so they know he is not a quack.
And click on the 'drop down' menu - particularly on the 'Journal Articles' here:
A Kindle version is only $8 ....
I think everyone has just been working on the mutations rather than looking for the 'cause' of the actual disease?
How amazing if all women could get a vaccination against BC, as they do now with HPV!
And the photo on the front of the book is from an artwork from hundreds of years ago - clearly showing an inverted nipple & malformation of the left breast - classic signs of Breast Cancer!0 -
Here is the link to the kindle edition ....
If you prefer a hard copy, there are 2 left and it is free delivery & you should be able to get it before Xmas: