Out of the mouths of babes!!

Al Member Posts: 325
edited January 2012 in Day to day

Hi all you lovely pink ladies! I thought I'd share a lovely little story with you. We were out at breakfast this morning and my 15 year daughter was complaining that she had no shampoo left and there was none in the house because as she put it "2 people are bald and the other hides hers from me!!!" I nearly wet myself laughing. AAAHH! The joys of being bald!  Certainly saves on shampoo as this shows!!!  I love my girls. Happy 12th birthday to my dear Susie!!  xxxx

Hope this has cheered you up. Thinking of you all on your journeys,

Take care,

Alison xxxx


  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    That is so true and good that we can make light of the baldness.  I have just bought a very large bottle each of shampoo and conditioner.  They will last me all year.  I quite love having short hair.  I don't have to schedule in time for grooming of my long locks - just shampoo, conditioner, add product and I am right to go. XLeonie

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    That is so true and good that we can make light of the baldness.  I have just bought a very large bottle each of shampoo and conditioner.  They will last me all year.  I quite love having short hair.  I don't have to schedule in time for grooming of my long locks - just shampoo, conditioner, add product and I am right to go. XLeonie

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Ah,teenage girls -they tell like it is.I developed such a thick skin over the years.

                                        Tonya xx

  • pisces_tas
    pisces_tas Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2015

    Hi Alison, I hope you are not " pushing " yourself too hard.. he he....

    Trust me, it is best to go gently, err on side of caution for 6 to 12 months, depending on treatments and circumstance. Do TC...Plenty of time to get back into things later. You are still having treatment and may not have all effects yet.

    Two bald people....I feel for the kids who have to go through their own stuff too as well as growing up. Humour really does help a lot of the time.. TC, Kathy.