
Cora Member Posts: 110
This is what I did today. Totally bored, so cleaned the recycle bin lid. Does anyone have any mindless pursuits for boredom. I've already pulled the weeds with my L hand. Oh hum  


  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    This was a rather mindless knit for my granddaughter this past winter. Other than the ribbing at the cuffs and upper chest, the rest was just plain knit using lovely squishy soft yarn. She calls it her marshmallow jumper.
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    The jumper.
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,316
    oh @AllyJay that is a lovely jumper !
    It reminded me that when I lived in the blue mountains decades ago and was a bit bored on the long winter nights I took up knitting - I ditched it the moment I moved back to Sydney - and I really have never been bored since!
    If I ever think I might be at risk of getting bored  I just read a book .
    But gardening , cleaning , cooking and exercising are all things that can fill the time if you ever feel boredom setting in .
    As well as knitting of course.
  • Cora
    Cora Member Posts: 110
    Before and after shots. Fancy de pilling socks, anyone else do mindless mind numbing stuff?  
  • GenK
    GenK Member Posts: 65
    I personally like puzzles, crossword, sudoku, all sorts, and can lost in them. Also audiobooks and jigsaw puzzles (if no table space most tablet (iPad for me) have free puzzle apps. My mum likes watching movies to pass the time. When I really get bored I organise my bookcase in topical then alphabetical order. Just a few options 🤷‍♀️🌺
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,095
    Hmm @GenK, My bookcases certainly need some attention and some space created, as I have just ordered some new books - a good wet weather job.