Best Care Packages Idea please

Fernweh Member Posts: 65
edited January 2022 in Health and wellbeing
I am 36 and will be having a mastectomy next Thursday, followed by chemo and radiotherapy..

I decided that I want to treat myself with one (or more) care packages for each step of my journey and somewhat relevant to each phase..

What are the best care packages you have bought/received or that are on your ‘wish list’?? Ideally delivered..

I am also looking for the most comfortable and soft big pillow to use first days home from surgery to be able to sleep up right and relax!

Thank you!



  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,525
    Hi @Fernweh,

    During chemo I used moogoo products. They actually have an oncology pack.

    I also did the feel good better program

    They provide wonderful make-up and skin care packs for breast cancer patients. It is a free gift. A little paper work but also fantastic. They provide classes to show you how to put make on to help you feel good when hair falls out including eye brows. In addition they can show you how to do your head gear such as scarves. I did these classes via zoom.

    Re pillows I used a v shaped pillow but was also given one at the hospital. It was provided by Zonta

    A friend bought me some really lovely pajamas so if you don't have any button through pjs treat yourself to some really nice ones or even a couple of sets.

    I got into juices during chemo eg beetroot, celery, ginger, carrot and apple. It's a good liver helping drink so if you are into that sort of thing maybe a juicer if you don't have one.

    Mediation music or guided meditation is also lovely treat to yourself and there are helps of these available online, Spotify, utube etc. 

    I have helps of ideas on treating yourself but will be a start. At the end of the day it what works for you.  Best wishes 💐
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,525
    I forgot....the other thing you could Regis for is a little holiday with the Otis Foundation. They are a charity providing little holidays for people suffering from breast cancer.
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,311
    My husband had a teddy bear delivered to me in hospital the day after I had my surgery as I couldn’t have visitors …
  • Fernweh
    Fernweh Member Posts: 65
    Thank you @Cath62. I do have a zonta cushion at home already.

    I was looking for something like this

    I also found some nice care package online with a lots of natural products to help with scars, skin, etc. with the addition of some ‘nice to have’ like lovely candles, sleeping mask etc… will have to keep shopping!

  • Fernweh
    Fernweh Member Posts: 65
    edited January 2022

    Cath62 said:

    I forgot....the other thing you could Regis for is a little holiday with the Otis Foundation. They are a charity providing little holidays for people suffering from breast cancer.

    These are the lovely thing I am looking for! I know is going to be tough, but I have time off work until June and intend to take advantage of this and look after myself as much as I can!