A Canadian Booklet on what to expect with basic Breast Cancer Surgery

arpie Member Posts: 8,316
edited November 2021 in Newly diagnosed
Hi guys

I've just found this little booklet on explaining the basics of what to expect with your breast cancer surgery - it is written in a very 'easy to understand' way without scaring the crap out of you.  Obviously, if you have a more serious diagnosis, there will possibly be more involved surgery occurring .... but I hope that this may answer some of your initial questions, when you hear those dreaded 3 words ....You Have Cancer.

Everyone's case is individual .... and procedures may vary from one to another - so check it out - write down ANYTHING that you don't understand .... and put those questions either to your Breast Care Nurse or your surgeon when next you see them - preferably before the op!

take care. xx


  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    I just learnt more from the booklet than I was ever given post surgery (nothing!)
    It is a good simple explanation of surgery and aftercare.
    Most of my after surgery care knowledge I gleaned from the internet. I would have appreciated access to the booklet four years ago.