Dementia - Most will already know someone with it, or shortly will. Still Alice on SBS Movies 7.30pm

arpie Member Posts: 8,317
If you haven't seen this movie - if it is 'on' in your region tonight - it is well worth a watch or recording it for later.  The story of an intelligent Yale professor, who slips into dementia over a period of years.  Maybe you can catch it on 'replay' if you miss it tonight.

Dementia - a condition that is usually associated with people well over 70 - but my girlfriend's father was diagnosed with it in his 50s and passed in his 60s.  He was a very capable sheep/wheat farmer - who became unable to manage his own farm, as a result of the dementia/Alzheimers decline in cognitive ability.  Even simple chores & decisions were beyond him and his young son had to take over. Eventually the family farm was sold.

The brain can actually show cognitive changes up 10 years before you or your loved one may get diagnosed.   

The most common indication is the constant repetition of the same question, and making dodgy decisions or forgetting how to use the phone (mobiles in particular) or the computer ..... and general confusion as it progresses

Up to 1 in 3 seniors may die with dementia (which in the USA kills more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.)

In the USA, 1 in 9 people over the age of 65 has dementia. So to put it in perspective - you may have over 350 friends right now on Facebook - so right now about 40 of those you know on FB may already have dementia. How scary is that? It is SO prevalent that many friends on your friends (and mine) already knows or looks after someone with dementia!

My husband first started the 'same question' routine and 'questionable decisions' about 8+ years ago and and was assessed by a geriatrician as 'early stages Alzheimers' back then.

It has gradually progressed &  5 years ago, was described as 'moderate'.  Now it is 'advanced'.


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Thanks @arpie. I have seen this movie. It is so real for me now as my mum has just been diagnosed with early alzheimers. Sending a hug to you for all you have gone through. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Thanks @Cath62  .....  hubby’s is a slow moving one .... hopefully your Mum’s is too. As the fast moving one is debilitating for the patient and = shortened life.  Even tho he is slowly getting worse, hubby is going ‘ok’ just now,even with the cancer as well. Xx