Diet and weight loss

Halla Member Posts: 185
Morning team

has anyone else had dietary advice following diagnosis?

I booked in to see the dietitian and the EP at my private oncology clinic because I thought it would be a good thing to do. 

I do know that recurrence is more likely if overweight, which I am, I have a bmi of 28.5.

I was imagining some gentle long term habit changes for gradual weight loss. 

But she has prescribed a fairly extreme shake diet with lots of pre and probiotic powders and pills,  protein and collagen powders, and Metamucil fibre supplements. I can also eat non starch veges and limited olive oil. It’s a metagenics naturopathic system. All the stuff cost $350.

It took a few weeks to arrive after I ordered it all in and I soft started it yesterday. 

The taste is pretty horrible, I am going to struggle to stay on it.

I have been on optifast before and that was quite yummy I had no problem staying on it, but that is dairy and does have some sugar in it so she prefers this other one.

Since I have bought all the stuff I should just do it , shouldn’t I? I’m looking for some support and motivation here!

im supposed to do it for two weeks and then go to see her again.

My radiation will start in 2 or 3 weeks.

interested in your thoughts and experiences!

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  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,318
    Hi the Cancer Council has a booklet ( available on their website) called “ food and nutrition” that is good.
    I saw a nutritionist at the Kinghorn cancer centre in Sydney after meeting radiotherapy finished and she pretty much told me all the stuff I had already implemented from reading that publication.
    Give up or drastically reduce alcohol, get rid of sugary drinks and replace  processed foods ( including sugary processed foods) with fresh fruit and vegetables , eat regular meals with all the recommended food groups and have enough fish and lean protein.
    That doesn’t mean you can never have a treat , just be mindful of what goes in your mouth.
    I kept a food and drink diary for the first few weeks and also a set of scales I get on every morning.
    I lost 10 kilos and am how back to my marriage weight from 30 years ago.
    I also am still seeing an exercise physiologist at the same centre as the diet and exercise go hand in hand.
    I am 62 so it’s never too late to start!
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    That’s fantastic @Julez1958! 👏🏻👏🏻

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    Sounds like your new regime isn't suiting you.
    Hopefully you will settle into it as you have invested $s.  Mindset plays an important part but if something tastes yucky it's hard to embrace!
    Good luck with it!

    "Healthy eating | Breast Cancer Network Australia"
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    Thanks for the link!
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Since you have already purchased it and spent so much, I think ride it out for two weeks and hopefully it’ll work in assisting weight loss. It doesn’t seem like it but two weeks will pass pretty quickly. Your doc might have a reason for wanting you to lose weight so quickly and get you the nutrients you need. But I find it hard to understand that a doctor would recommend that at all. I think it’s pretty common knowledge that weight should not be lost so quickly. And it should be done in a way that’s sustainable. A friend of mine did the shakes for a while, lost heaps of weight, then back on it went as soon as she stopped. And she always goes back to her unhealthy way of eating. At the moment she’s overweight again and has high bp. Really not good 😕. The advice above is pretty good. It’s about getting the right amount of nutrients every day, and cutting out most sugar and processed food. A rule of thumb, anything that has a shelf life of more than 3 days shouldn’t be consumed. That’s why I go grocery shopping every couple days and try to keep my pantry empty. Momentarily I’m not doing so well, and my weight is at its highest, but we all have low points 😆. I’ve been turning to doughnuts etc for comfort. But I’m getting out of that period now. Also started belly dance as a fun way to exercise, and going walking as it’s a great way to keep healthy and slim. 
    So read up on info on how to eat well, and in two weeks you can start, including some walking or other fun activity 😊
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    @FLClover I used to belly dance in my 20s...I even taught a beginners class! But so long ago I’m shy to do it again now. Are you doing online or live?

    yes I’ve been on shakes before too and exactly that happened!
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    @halla oh have you?? 😃😃. I’ve been wanting to do it since my twenties, but only started now in my forties. I do it live, and the other ladies who go are actually mostly older than me. I think it’s great. I hope you get over your shyness and do it again, as it’s just so much fun! I love the shimmying and the music 😁☺️.  And it gets your whole body moving, as you know 😀. 
    Yeah, I’m really not a big fan of all these ‘diets’. It’s about eating in a way that will get you to your desired weight and keep you there long term, while providing all necessary nutrients at the same time. To me, powders and pills etc are just not natural and it plays around and stresses out your digestive system. To cut out all treats is also not good, as eating should also be about joy. So as long as it’s in moderation, it should be fine. 
    I hope you find a system that works for you 🤞
  • MicheleR
    MicheleR Member Posts: 355
    Hi @Halla,

    Yes i see a dietician. During chemo i was told to increase protein and follow more plant based diet. I do exercise a few times a week and they wanted me to maintain weight and muscle mass at that stage. 

    Im seeing dietician next week to work on reducing fat (not weight) but i doubt she would recommend extreme things. Im overweight think my bmi might be a little higher than yours. 

    Ive found that with exercise i have more muscle, still overweight and working on it. I was encouraged to eat intuitively and when i exercise i eat better. When im stressed or tired i eat poorly so i have to manage those things first. I eat a lot more fruit and vegetables and healthy proteins like nuts, cheese and yoghurt. 

    It is possible (apparently) to be overweight and healthy. I was told focus should be on nutrition first, fuelling exercise and maintaining muscle mass. Then i should exercise vigorously 75 min a week or 150 minutes moderately. It should sort itself out. I am noticing changes in shape just not on scale.

    Not sure if that helps. 
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    I would check the collagen powder as I've read that one type of collagen (type 111) can cause some types of breast cancer to grow faster, and that it also inhibits cell death in tumours. I don't want to scare you, but if I was you I would check it out with my oncologist. Even although she is attached to the private clinic you attend, it seems this dietitian may have some degree of financial incentive for you to purchase all these powders and potions at great cost.
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    edited May 2021
    I agree with @AllyJay
    And with @MicheleR. Muscle weighs more than fat, and even though the scale stays the same doesn’t mean you’re not getting healthier. Instead of weighing yourself every day, maybe try just once a week 
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185

    AllyJay said:

    I would check the collagen powder as I've read that one type of collagen (type 111) can cause some types of breast cancer to grow faster, and that it also inhibits cell death in tumours. I don't want to scare you, but if I was you I would check it out with my oncologist. Even although she is attached to the private clinic you attend, it seems this dietitian may have some degree of financial incentive for you to purchase all these powders and potions at great cost.

    Excellent point I will definitely ask onc about that 
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    I just did an inbody scan - I’ve lost 2 kilos since op but one of them was muscle ... will be interesting to see what happens to Inbody with the protein diet and exercise 
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Keep us updated @Halla
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    It does seem rather drastic and unsustainable.  As @allyjay said, check with your oncologist about the products and the method as it's not what I have seen in any professional information.
  • Halla
    Halla Member Posts: 185
    @AllyJay do you remember where you read about the collagen type 111?

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