Tamoxifen and breast pain

Pink43 Member Posts: 6
I am new to the club. Loving  the community here . I Had a partly mastectomy plus 3 nodes off on 29/3/21, my week 6 after surgery and waiting for Oncotype result before next treatment as my ki67 was 25%. Oncologist wanted to know if I will be benefit from chemotherapy but I have to wait for another 2.5 weeks and can’t start radiotherapy ( as told only needed it before surgery even I already had the ki67 result same as 25% from the first biopsy result 4/3/21from my first shocking routine screen check 8/2/2, 🥲took a long time to get treatment ...surgery)  while waiting.     My oncologist started  me with Tamoxifen last Thursday 29/4/21. Before that I already had some pain/ discomfort in my breast ( surgery tapes still attached!).  Over last weekend, I had some needles pain in my breast and still have some at the moment . I was wondering if any ladies / sisters there have same issues as I have ? I Would really like some feedback instead of me dr Google answers please? What’s I should avoid to eat or drink, ginger/green tea to interfere tamoxifen  ? Really like this net connection to the unknow journey ahead of me 😳 Thank you so much ... 😊


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Breast twinges are common even when you don’t have one! Eight years on, I still occasionally get a bit of discomfort from my mastectomy scar. I’m on an AI so can’t help with tamoxifen but your oncologist is best to check with (as you say, avoid Dr Google!). Best wishes. 
  • Pink43
    Pink43 Member Posts: 6
    Thank you so much Afraser. I will check with the doctor. 
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Hello 🙂. 
    I think twinges and strange pains are to be expected after any type of surgery in the area. Even after a long period post surgery. Radiation will make them worse 👀. But do check with your specialist just to be sure 👌🏻. 
    Good luck with the rest of your treatment ♥️
  • Pink43
    Pink43 Member Posts: 6
    Thank you FLClover. Yes, I head about the discomfort during or after radiotherapy which I will find out very soon ..  thank you so much for the feed back ..